This will be Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s first Raksha Bandhan celebration after marriage and they missed the festival as they were on their babymoon in Italy. Ranbir and Alia got some much needed time together after their consecutive hectic schedules. Ranbir was busy with the promotion of Shamshera and Alia wrapped up her Hollywood debut Heart Of Stones and came back and started the promotions of the heart winning Darlings. While they are in their baby month, they will not celebrate the holiday together.
Riddhima Kapoor Sahani will definitely miss her brother Ranbir Kapoor at the social occasion
Riddhima Kapoor Sahani, who is looking forward to this festival, especially as it is a time to get together and a special day dedicated to siblings, Bhaiya Ranbir will miss her, but she understands how her Bhaiya and bhabhi needed this break. While as per their tradition, Ridhima will now not only tie the knot with her brother but even her sister-in-law Alia Bhatt and fans have been eagerly awaiting their pictures together. Nevertheless, Junior Kapoor will also be a part of this celebration next year.
While Alia Bhatt, who is in love with her new family, even revealed on Karan Johar’s show Kaffee with Karan 7 that in her new family, everything is done together. While tomorrow, Kareena Kapoor Khan is hosting a lunch for her siblings, including Sara Ali Khan and Ibrahim Ali Khan, who will be visiting Taimur and J for Rakhi. Indeed, the Kapoor family is the most loved and celebrated in the tinsel town.
Alia, who is having the best time in Italy, even shared her vacation picture and looked absolutely adorable and gorgeous in her no-makeup look. While the mother-in-law showers all the love in this new photo, calling her my beauty. Kapoor Khandaan is eagerly waiting to welcome the new member.
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