Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has landed in hot water for his upcoming film Ram Setu. BJP leader Subramanian Swamy said he would sue the actor and the makers of the film for the “falsification in the portrayal of the Ram Sethu issue” in their film. The politician also stated that he will seek compensation from the creators.
“The compensation claim has been finalized by my associate Satya Sabharwal Adv. I am suing Akshay Kumar, actor & Karma Media for damages caused by falsification in portraying Ram Sethu issue in their release film,” Swamy tweeted. “If actor Akshay Kumar is a foreign national, then we can demand that he be arrested and deported from his adopted country,” he said in a follow-up tweet.
A film based on Ram Setu is produced by Karma Media where Dr. @Swamy39SC Order of was used as a poster. He’s going to file a lawsuit.
Poster and Hon’ble Supreme Court order in Dr. Swamy’s petition are enclosed. @jagdishshetty @HinduDharma1 @vhsindia pic.twitter.com/7XzXHuLOV9
— Satya Sabharwal (@satyasabharwal) July 29, 2022
On June 13, 2022, Dr. @Swamy39 Ji tweeted:
“Karma Media | Contact us: Are you stealing the Ram Sethu case as yours by converting the High Court order I got?” ??
Copies of SC order in Ram Setu case:
Order of the Supreme Court 1: from 31.08.2007
Order of the Supreme Court 2: from 15.09.2007 pic.twitter.com/xNqKdipc8u— Dharma (@Dharma4X) July 29, 2022
The case for compensation was finalized by my associate Satya Sabharwal Adv. I am suing Akshay Kumar actor and Karma Media for damages caused by falsification in portraying Ram Sethu issue in their release movie.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) July 29, 2022
If actor Akshay Kumar is a foreign national, then we can demand that he be arrested and deported from his adopted country.
— Subramanian Swamy (@Swamy39) July 29, 2022
The UPA government in 2007 proposed the Sethusamudram project. Under this project, an 83 km long deep water canal was to be made through extensive dredging and removal of limestone shoals to connect Mannar with the Palk Strait. Swamy challenged this decision in court and the government resorted to another plan to connect Mannar with the Palk Strait.
In February this year, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the plea of BJP MP Subramanian Swamy seeking a direction to the Center to declare Ram Sethu as a national heritage monument. Ram Sethu, also known as Adam’s Bridge, is a chain of limestone shoals between Pamban Island or Rameswaram Island, off the southeast coast of Tamil Nadu, and Mannar Island, off the northwest coast of Sri Lanka.
Talking about the movie, Ram Setu is an action adventure drama that tells a story rooted in Indian cultural and historical heritage. It stars Akshay, Jacqueline Fernandez, Nushrat Bharucha and Pankaj Tripathi in pivotal roles. The makers wrapped up the shooting of their upcoming film in January this year and the poster of the film was dropped a few months ago. Its premiere is scheduled for October 24.
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