Anupamaa is the leading Indian television show. It has been ruling the TRP charts for over a year now. It stars Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna, Sudhanshu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma and others. Especially after the entry of Gaurav Khanna as Anuj Kapadia, the show became more popular among the masses. Fans are in love with Anupama and Anuj or as their fans call them MaAn’s chemistry. However, fans are now predicting that Anuj Kapadia might quit Anupamaa. In the promo of the upcoming episode, Anuj’s picture was shown falling and considering the history of Indian TV shows, it shows that something bad is about to happen. MaAn have also noticed that Anuj’s screen time has been reduced in the show. So to express their anger and demand for ‘justice’ for Anuj, MaAn fans started showing Anuj Is Hope on Twitter. Check out the tweets below:
He is not a helper that you can get rid of when you feel like it. He changed history the moment he walked in playing with a chumbak…
Whether you like it or not @ketswalawalkar @StarPlus the story cannot survive without him now. #Anupamaa • #MaAnn • #AnujKapadia
ANUJ IS HOPE pic.twitter.com/lH4FqLMiSF— ?? ?️? (@Feminist_Radha) July 22, 2022
If you notice CA is blue, Anuj is wearing tile red and Anu’s saree is a combination of blue and red.
I don’t know if this was intentional but Anu is the reason why Anuj has CA. So she is that relationship. Whatever is cute ??♀️??♀️??♀️#Anupamaa • #MaAnn • #AnujKapadia
ANUJ IS HOPE pic.twitter.com/NLJQlatG48— ?? ?️? (@Feminist_Radha) July 22, 2022
Now he is our only hope for this show. Please don’t let our hope die.@StarPlus @ketswalawalkar #Anupamaa • #MaAnn • #AnujKapadia
ANUJ IS HOPE pic.twitter.com/xPMs9XVBVS— ?? ?️? (@Feminist_Radha) July 22, 2022
That’s exactly what we need #AnujKapadia. Any other husband would have asked #Anupamaa why does he reproach him in front of others. But he understood that she was doing it for a reason. Even without knowing the context, he supported her.
He is precious, we need him. #MaAnn pic.twitter.com/L3WCS56IrS— KanShubs (@KanShubs) July 23, 2022
His birthday is coming up in a month! Why would you kill him now? How should Anu celebrate janmashtami in future?
ANUJ IS HOPE pic.twitter.com/xM37hJYMZt
— ?? ?️? (@Feminist_Radha) July 22, 2022
——producers don’t you dare touch my gubbara boi?
ANUJ IS HOPE pic.twitter.com/fOkkLUMHS8
— ✧.* (@chalmerijaanx) July 22, 2022
More than great love #AnujKapadia gets fd combined with an unplanned trend and turning it into a strong success amazed me! Here’s a quick one
Jay Jakara On @iamgauravkhanna
SS Credits: @PradhanSugyanee and all ppl’s tweets that show up!
indeed.#Anupamaa #MaAnn pic.twitter.com/uOFDxzjXqs— ????? (@OneHappyInsaan) July 23, 2022
How about this twist in Anupamaa? is it necessary Do you want Anuj Kapadia to stay? Tweet to BollywoodLife and let us know.
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