Career opportunities for senior citizens

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Career opportunities for senior citizens
Career opportunities for senior citizens


Life at every stage is different and full of challenges. In your youth, you pursue work and struggle to find meaning in life. In old age, you again pursue work for a different meaning in life with all your previous work behind you. In our country, senior citizens are often pushed into retirement by society. From society’s point of view, they deserve a life of rest and peace after all their hard work.

However, this requires another struggle. They find adapting to this new role challenging, often leading to loneliness and depression. There is also a social factor involved. Society frowns upon children and immediate family members when they see a senior citizen over the age of 50 still working professionally. But times are changing. People understand the importance of being active in life and children encourage their parents to work or do things they enjoy. Here are some career options for senior citizens to consider.

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As a professional writer, this career is my personal preference. I see myself continuing this professionally in my old age – as many seasoned authors do. Some options to consider would be freelance writing, newspaper work, or being an editor at publications or community organizations. These jobs usually require excellent writing skills. If you are confident, send some samples. In the case of an editor, previous work experience along with a college degree should work.

Freelancing offers many benefits and flexible working hours, perfect for old souls who prefer to stay indoors. Community organizations, newspapers and magazines always welcome quality writing for their publications, which can also be a viable career opportunity for more experienced writers. Typically, the positions of editor or deputy editor can be filled by a professional writer with many years of experience in the required field, and can also work as a mentor to younger writers and publishers in the department.

The salary range for such writing jobs varies quite a bit, depending mostly on experience and the circulation of the paper. The salary of an editor varies between Tk. 30,000 to 70,000 with incremental promotion and responsibilities, while a sub-editor usually makes between Tk. 20,000 to 30,000. As far as freelance work is concerned, writers are paid on an article basis unless the client has drawn up a specific contract. Each article usually ranges from Tk. 1000 to 2500.

If you’re in your prime but want to improve your writing craft, it’s never too late. You can always read newspapers and famous English novels to choose your own writing style and submit opinion pieces and editorials to newspapers based on your expertise in your field. Practice makes perfect, no matter how old you are.


Teaching is a noble profession and for it there is, figuratively speaking, no age barrier. In our country, the retirement age for teachers in state universities is 65. But many teachers move to private universities as professors and consultants and may stay on as adjunct faculty, a common practice in Bangladesh.

The salary range of university lecturers is around Tk. 40,000 to 60,000. A university professor must have a PhD in the field he wishes to teach. In the case of adjunct faculty, universities look for professors with prior teaching experience along with the aforementioned degree.

Also, senior citizens can continue to run schools, colleges or educational institutions. To become a principal, you must have a bachelor’s degree along with a B. Ed. Or an equivalent degree from a recognized university. One must also have 12 years of experience in teaching or administration. Being a teacher, even at school level, usually requires an equivalent degree in the relevant subject.


Senior citizens thrive as consultants. Many companies are looking for consultants to guide them through specific issues and transitions. Senior citizens, through their years of work and experience, prove valuable during this time. Consulting in IT, graphic design, architecture, software management, environmental science, and even politics are often in-demand professions. Usually for these jobs the older the better.

To be an entry-level consultant, you must have a bachelor’s degree. When companies hire senior citizens, they do so to gain the valuable insights they’ve gained on the job. They look for their previous corporate positions and work achievements. Positions like these usually prefer a college degree. They should also have good communication skills. The basic salary usually starts from around Tk. 50,000 varying from sector to sector.

Management roles

Many companies are looking for senior citizens with professional experience and skill sets for their management roles. This is a common practice in our country. Our culture and advantage gives senior citizens an edge in leadership positions. Even if they are retired, many private companies and organizations hire senior citizens for these roles.

The requirements for managerial roles are the same as for consulting roles. They also require experience, corporate achievements and degrees. For this type of role, the individual must demonstrate leadership and communication skills. Salary also depends on the position but can start from Tk. 60,000.

Other possibilities

Apart from the occupations mentioned above, there are casual jobs that many senior citizens may choose to do. Working as a waiter or receptionist in restaurants usually doesn’t require a lot of experience, but someone with previous experience with public social interactions should fit in well in such jobs. Those with sufficient experience in managing a team of workers can also oversee the management of restaurants or cafes.

Those who do not want to work too hard can find work as cashiers in supermarkets and restaurants. Likewise, odd jobs in movie theaters and shops are always an option if you want to stay active in old age.

Is it wise to change careers at an older age?

Changing careers at any age is difficult. Sometimes our work no longer brings us happiness, and that’s normal. However, when these feelings are persistent, it’s time to reconsider. And this decision is already the first step.

It seems harder for older people to make a career change, but that’s wrong. Their previous years of work have only added value to their experience and skills. There will be changes in roles, management and finances and one has to adapt. It takes time to learn and adapt to any new position.

Is it possible to find a job abroad at an older age?

It is definitely possible to find a job abroad in your old age. In fact, there are more job opportunities and opportunities abroad for the elderly than in Bangladesh. One can perform any position with the right skills in their hands. The most common jobs include driver, retail worker, babysitter, administrative assistant, etc. All of these jobs start at $10/hour.

The most important thing about working abroad is that there are no social factors involved. A person can take up any work he likes, which rarely happens in our country. Many people in our country do not want to give jobs to older people and they are discriminated against based on their age, regardless of their skills and capabilities. In addition, physical labor is strictly prohibited for senior citizens in our country due to restrictions. This makes moving abroad for work a worthwhile option for senior citizens who can afford the move.


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