Millionaire entrepreneur buys abandoned Cold War radar to ‘find UFOs’

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Millionaire entrepreneur buys abandoned Cold War radar to ‘find UFOs’
Millionaire entrepreneur buys abandoned Cold War radar to ‘find UFOs’


William Sacchitti acquired a large decommissioned AMES Type 84 radar from an abandoned Royal Air Force (RAF) radar station.

The British entrepreneur and roboticist created a thread on Reddit’s /r/electronics subreddit is looking for advice on reviving Cold War-era technology after living and working at the RAF station for about three months. Sachiti originally posted anonymously but was identified by users using the knowledge that only five Type 84s were ever produced in Britain and News for May 2022 about Sachiti buying the radar station.

When asked by a user why he bought the Type 84, Sachiti replied with “Because I convinced myself that it might be fun to use to try to find UFOs?” Although said somewhat in jest, users have contacted Sachiti about using the device in their UFO search, as well as others wanting to scan the Moon and more. The Type 84 is on England’s National Heritage Listand cannot be demolished due to its historical value.

So it sits there, but since no one was here for a while, it slowly started to break down. And for me, every time I looked at it, I just thought, “Something has to be done.”,” Sachiti said during the interview with Deputy.

As you can see in the thread, you find people who are so specific and they will tell you exactly how it works. If I put an ad in the paper, I’ll never get that level of talent. Even advertising on TV… What I love about Reddit is that you can post to a very specific subreddit where people who are into and doing things like this are experimenting with it. And my inbox is flooded with absolute experts…that’s the beauty of asking the right question to the right audience” said Sachiti.


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