A few months ago, Arjun Kapoor’s sister Anshula Kapoor stunned everyone with her epic body transformation. She has now joined the ‘No Bra Club’ after returning home from Sunday brunch with her friends. She posted a video showing her removing her bra and throwing it away. “The best part about coming home after Sunday lunch!” she wrote.
Many of her fans resonated with her sentiment in the comments section. “Seriously! The best feeling!” one wrote, followed by another user who commented: “During the pandemic, every day was Sunday.” Another user said: “I love the feeling of just throwing it away. Sigh!” followed by another who wrote: “Very very very important! I can’t handle sweat alone!’
In March, Anshula opened up about her 2-year struggle to realize that her self-esteem wasn’t about her body shape. Writing a thank-you note to herself, Anshula shared a photo of herself wearing gym clothes and said: “It’s been 2 years long journey and still a work in progress. It took me almost as long to realize that my worth is not about my body shape, and that constantly belittling or criticizing my imperfections and flaws isn’t doing me any good—whether that flaw is emotional or physical. I’m still learning to love the perfectly imperfect me I’m discovering and moving towards because life is too short to live it thinking you’re unworthy or unlovable. I have flaws and I’m still worthy.’
It was recently reported that Boney Kapoor wants to see his daughter Anshula enter Bollywood like his other three children Arjun Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor. He seems to have watched Anshula in her school plays and feels she has the acting talent to make it in Bollywood. The extended family now has actors and producers like Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor, Sonam Kapoor, Harshwar Khan Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor. However, there is no official statement from Boney or Anshula about the same.
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