Vaani Kapoor is gearing up for the release of her upcoming film ‘Shamshera’ featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt in lead roles. The film marks first collaboration of Ranbir and Vaani. The actress plays the love interest of Ranbir’s character Sona who is a dancer. Describing her character in the film, Vaani said she plays the character of Sona, the most sought-after travelling performer of India in the 1800s. She added, “I have always chosen roles where my character pivots the script in a certain direction and in Shamshera too, Sona plays an important role in building the narrative,” Vaani told an online portal.
The actress also thanked director Karan Malhotra for seeing her in the role of Sona. She said Karan held her hand at every step of the way and guided her to bring Sona to life. The War actress further said, “Sona has a strong will power, she’s confident, a go getter yet has her own emotional vulnerabilities. She’s definitely one of the most refreshing characters I have played on screen.”
Talking about co-star Ranbir Kapoor, the Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui actress said, “I am teaming up with Ranbir Kapoor – a powerhouse of talent. He’s truly a very special actor and my personal favourite.”
Talking about Shamshera, the trailer of the film takes us back to the year 1871. The story of Shamshera is set in the fictitious city of Kaza, where a warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved, and tortured by a ruthless authoritarian general Shuddh Singh (Sanjay Dutt). This is the story of Shamshera (Ranbir Kapoor), a man who became a slave, a slave who became a leader, and then a legend for his tribe.
Helmed by Karan Malhotra, the film is set to release in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu on July 22, 2022. Shamshera marks Ranbir’s return to the cinemas after 4 years after the release of his 2018 film, Sanju.
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