Shah Rukh Khan‘s hide and seek with paparazzi continues in Hyderabad as well. The superstar has been not giving pictures to the paps, and reportedly, one of the reasons behind it is that he doesn’t want to reveal the look that he is sporting for Jawan. The actor has been juggling between the shooting of Dunky and Jawan, and a few days ago, he wrapped up the first schedule of Dunki. Now, the superstar has reached Hyderabad to shoot for Jawan.
SRK was spotted at the airport and he was wearing a hoodie and a mask, so his face was not clearly visible. This is not the first time when the superstar has tried to hide his look. Earlier, he was spotted in Mumbai wearing a hoodie and even carrying an umbrella to hide his face.
Jawan was officially announced a few days ago. While announcing the film, the actor had shared, “It’s a special @redchilliesent project that has seen its wait because of inevitable issues surrounding us.But a few good men worked hard & made it happen. Want to thank @_gauravverma the Co-Producer, @ atlee47 and their Jawans for making this dream come to life. Now… Good to go Chief…! ”
Jawan is slated to release in June 2023, and while it is being shot in Hindi, the movie will be dubbed and released in various languages like Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada.
Shah Rukh Khan was last seen on the big screen in the 2018 Zero release. Now, after four years, he will be making his comeback with not one or two, but three films. In 2023, the actor has three releases lined up, Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki.
Pathaan releases in January 2023, Jawan in June 2023 and Dunki will be a December 2023 release. Fans of the superstar are excited about all these projects.
While as a lead we will get to watch him on the big screens in 2023, this year, SRK has cameos in two movies, Brahmastra and Rocketry. The former is slated to release on 9th September 2022, and the latter will hit the big screens on 1st July 2022.
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