Anupamaa shocking upcoming twists will leave all Rupali Ganguly fans perplexed. It is as if Anupamaa cannot have even one day without any stress in her life. She has just married Anuj and the two are not even getting some time to enjoy marital bliss. This may be disappointing for MaAn shippers, but for Anupamaa fans, bahut saara drama abhi baaki hai. The new entry of Barkha is sure to create more and more havoc in the Kapadia family and between the Shahs and Anupamaa-Anuj. As per the latest ongoing track in Anupamaa, Barkha and her guests will insult the Shahs. The humiliation will be too much to bear and the event will anger Vanraj to the core.
At the party hosted at the Kapadia Sadan, Vanraj Shah and his family are insulted and walk out even without having any food. Anupamaa gets angry on this treatment by Barkha and confronts her. Barkha is rattled seeing Anupamaa’s new avatar and she learns that she is not a simple woman to take pangas with. Barkha has now learned that Anupamaa will not take her blows lying low but she determines to make more evil plots to defeat Anu and her Shah parivar. She will plot a robbery where a very expensive necklace that Anuj had given Anu gets stolen. Barkha hides it but blames it on Shah family. This is another blow that will upset the Shahs and Anu.
Anupamaa and Anuj are left embarrassed with Barkha and her behavior. They will do all in their might to make things alright. But more than Baa or Bapuji, Vanraj and his ego are hurt. And that is not good news. Vanraj now decides that Shahs and Kapadias will not mingle again. This will defeat all the efforts of Anupamaa to see her families, old and new, come together and live peacefully.
How will Anupamaa be able to protect her family from the destructive plots and plans of Barkha? Will she be able to get Vanraj and family to forgive them for the insults? Will she be able to prove that Shahs have not stolen her necklace? Will Vanraj be able to keep his anger aside and do something to cement his family together? All this and more awaits us in the next few episodes of Anupamaa. Stay tuned to BollywoodLife for more updates on your favorite TV shows.
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