Kate Middleton had an adorable response to a fan’s complement in a recent viral video. On June 4, The Duchess of Cambridge along with Prince William visited the Cardiff Castle as they also brought along their kids Prince George, 8, and Princess Charlotte, 9 in accordance to honour the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. While on their outing, the family interacted with their admirers.
In a heartfelt moment, a woman reached out to Kate and held her as she praised the Duchess while adding, “You’re going to be a brilliant Princess of Wales.” Kate was touched by her words and replied, “Oh, that’s very kind,” as she appreciated the compliment. Kate also gestured towards her husband William and added, “I’m in good hands,” as per People. In the coming future, Kate who was titled the Duchess of Cambridge upon her marriage to Prince Willian in 2011 is likely to be crowned the next Princess of Wales as she follows in the path of her late mother-in-law Princess Diana.
For those unversed, this change in title will come when William’s father Charles takes the throne as King after his mother Queen Elizabeth II and William takes his place as the Prince of Wales, a title which now rests with Charles.
As for Kate’s future title, she faces a mountain of expectations as the kingdom puts its hopes on her to take the place of Queen in the future. Despite the crushing pressure of expectations, Kate has been successful in maintaining a strong exterior and proved to be a dutiful Duchess.
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