Dheeraj Dhoopar was a part of the most popular daily soap ‘Kundali Bhagya’, and starred opposite Shraddha Arya. The actor swooned the mind of the audience with his exceptional acting chops in Kundali Bhgagya. His chemistry with actress Shraddha Arya was applauded by the audience and they were the most popular on-screen couple. Now, after 5 long years, Dheeraj has bid a final goodbye to the show as the actor wishes to explore other opportunities. According to the recent reports, Dheeraj has signed a new project and will soon be seen on-screen again.
Now as per the ETimes TV report, Dheeraj is all set to star in Saurabh Tewari’s next show titled ‘Sherdil Shergill (SS)’. Reportedly, actress Surbhi Chandna has been roped in to play the female lead in this show. The sources close to the show informed this news portal that SS is a rom-com revolving around two individuals from different backgrounds and ideologies. While Dheeraj is the privileged one Surbhi will play a self-made woman. It will be interesting to see how their paths cross and they fall in love eventually. The unit is expected to commence the shoot in a couple of weeks. However, there is no official confirmation from Dheeraj and Surbhi on this rumour.
Speaking of Dheeraj, in an interview with Etimes, the actor had opened up about quitting the show. He said, “I still can’t believe that I am no longer a part of Kundali Bhagya. The feeling is yet to sink in. Karan and Dheeraj are alike and hence, there is no way that I can be separated from Karan. I am bidding adieu to KB with a heavy heart but as I said, the time is opportune to embark on a new journey both for the show and me.”
On the professional front, Surbhi Chandna was seen in the popular TV show Naagin 5 opposite Sharad Malhotra, with whom she also appeared in a music video. Apart from these, she had replaced new mom Bharti Singh for the time being to host Hunarbaaz: Desh Ki Shaan as she was on a break from work to take care of her newborn baby boy.
Also Read: Arjun Bijlani takes a dig at co-star Surbhi Chandna; Shares a slow-motion video with her; Watch
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