Shah Rukh Khan‘s son Aryan Khan‘s arrest by the NCB in the Cordelia cruise drug bust at the Mumbai port on October 2 grabbed a lot of headlines. He had spent more than 20 days in custody last year. Now, as of May 28, Aryan was given a clean chit in the case. Talking to India Today Magazine, Sanjay Singh, NCB’s deputy director-general (operations), who headed the SIT, revealed his conversations with Aryan Khan and Shah Rukh Khan. Sanjay’s team was probing the case prepared by the Narcotics Control Bureau’s (NCB).
Aryan Khan’s questions
Sanjay said that Aryan told him, “Sir, you have painted me as an international drug trafficker, that I finance drug trafficking – aren’t these charges absurd? They didn’t find any drugs on my person that day and yet they arrested me.” Sir, you have done me great wrong and ruined my reputation. Why did I have to spend so many weeks in jail – did I really deserve it? ” In the interaction, Sanjay confessed that he was not prepared for Aryan’s’ soul-searching queries.
Sanjay also met SRK, who was ‘concerned’ about his son’s mental and emotional state. He told Sanjay, “We’ve been painted as some kind of big criminals or monsters who are out to destroy society and we find going to work tough every day.”
Meanwhile, after a clean chit was given to Aryan, Rhea Chakraborty‘s lawyer Satish Maneshinde, has now demanded a fresh probe in the drugs case related to Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. Her case had become a national issue in 2020 post Sushant’s demise.
Aryan and Rhea’s cases have raised a lot of questions on how the media coverage and perception that is created about those involved in the case.
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