Selena Gomez opens up on her mental health journey; ‘very personal for me’

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Selena Gomez opens up on her mental health journey; ‘very personal for me’
Selena Gomez opens up on her mental health journey; ‘very personal for me’


Singer and Hollywood star Selena Gomez has had her share of mental health struggles in the past. The actor, who began working at an age of seven, has had a long journey in showbiz. She also came across various controversies during her teenage and early 20s. As she recently appeared at the Mental Health Youth Action Forum hosted by MTV Entertainment at the White House and opened up on her mental health journey.

As per a report by People, Selena Gomez passionately spoke about “destigmatising” mental health during the discussion. She recalled her mental health struggle during the forum and mentioned how talking about it helped her. She also shed light on the importance of opening up about mental health struggles.

She said, “Just to throw in a little bit of my journey, I felt like once I found out what was going on mentally, I found that there was more freedom for me to be okay with what I had because I was learning about it.”

She further said, “Bringing attention to mental health through media or just by talking about your journeys can help. It sets the example that it’s a topic that can and should be discussed freely and without shame.” 

Selena Gomez expresses her wish to help people struggling with mental health issues

Selena Gomez further expressed her wish to create a change in society through her platform. The actor was joined by the USA’s First Lady Jill Biden, US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, Ambassador Susan Rice and 30 youth mental health activists. She mentioned how mental health is personal to her and she wants to share her own story while working with the activists. She further threw light on how mental health support should be provided to people irrespective of their age, race, religion or sexual orientation.

She said, “Mental health is very personal for me, and I hope that by using my platform to share my own story and working with incredible people like all of you. I can help others feel less alone and find the help they need, which is honestly all I want.”

“When it comes to talking about and destigmatizing mental health, I want to ensure that everyone, no matter their age, their race, religion, sexual orientation, have access to services that support their mental health,” she added.

(Image: AP)

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