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Tata Motors INE155A01022, TATAMOTORS, 500570
Adani Wilmar INE699H01024, AWL, 543458
SBI INE062A01020, SBIN, 500112
ICICI Bank INE090A01021, ICICIBANK, 532174
Tata Power INE245A01021, TATAPOWER, 500400
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Tata Motors INE155A01022, TATAMOTORS, 500570
Adani Wilmar INE699H01024, AWL, 543458
SBI INE062A01020, SBIN, 500112
ICICI Bank INE090A01021, ICICIBANK, 532174
Tata Power INE245A01021, TATAPOWER, 500400
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Police said the accident occurred in Hervey Range, 50 km from Townsville on Saturday night. The car Symonds was driving left the road and rolled, according to a police statement, which described it as a single vehicle incident ..
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LIC may see flat to slightly negative listing, says Mohit Nigam of Hem Securities
Cryptocurrency Prices Today May 15: Ethereum falls 2%; Cardano, Dogecoin shed up to 6%
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Shah Rukh Khan’s note for daughter Suhana on acting debut: ‘Road to people’s hearts is unending’
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Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (2022) launched with Snapdragon 720G, Android 12, 7,040 mAh Battery
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LIC may see flat to slightly negative listing, says Mohit Nigam of Hem Securities
Cryptocurrency Prices Today May 15: Ethereum falls 2%; Cardano, Dogecoin shed up to 6%
Mundka fire: Building had one escape route, toll may rise with more remains found and 19 people missing
Shah Rukh Khan’s note for daughter Suhana on acting debut: ‘Road to people’s hearts is unending’
SBI net profit rises 41% in Q4 to Rs 9,113.5 crore, misses estimate
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (2022) launched with Snapdragon 720G, Android 12, 7,040 mAh Battery
Manik Saha to be new CM of Tripura
Mercedes-Benz tackles tough market with wide portfolio, transparent pricing
Mundka fire: Scenes of death and despair, many jump from building to escape blaze
Funnycontrol | High PO: How to avoid getting high on IPO fever
Interview: Elevated inflation here to stay, repo rate could be 5.5% by December, says HSBC’s Pranjul Bhandari
Scindia to examine airlines charging passengers for issuing boarding passes at check-in counters
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Name | Price | Change | % Chg |
Sbi | 444.65 | -18.00 | -3.89 |
Ntpc | 144.15 | -4.40 | -2.96 |
Indiabulls Hsg | 117.75 | -0.90 | -0.76 |
Nhpc | 31.15 | -0.15 | -0.48 |
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IPO Snapshot
Equity | Type | Issue Price | Issue Size | Lot Size | Issue Open | Issue Close |
Paradeep Phosph View Profile | IPO | 39 | 1617.25 | 350 | 17-05 | 19-05 |
Ethos View Profile | IPO | 836 | 449.69 – 472.29 | 17 | 18-05 | 20-05 |
eMudhra View Profile | IPO | 243 | BSE NSE | 58 | 20-05 | 24-05 |
Equity | Issue Price | Listing Date | Listing Open | Listing Close | Listing Gains% | CMP | Current Gains% |
Rainbow Child | 542 | 10-05 | 506.00 | 450.10 | -16.96 | 456.20 | -15.83 |
Campus Active | 292 | 09-05 | 355.00 | 378.60 | 29.66 | 332.05 | 13.72 |
Fone4 Comm | 10 | 06-05 | 9.03 | 9.50 | -5 | 7.55 | -24.50 |
Nanavati Vent | 50 | 06-05 | 50.00 | 0 | 39.25 | -21.50 |
Scheme | Fund Class | Info | Order form | Open Date | Close Date |
No NFO details available. |
Equity | Type | Issue Price | Issue Size | Lot Size | Subscription | Issue Open | Issue Close |
Sonu Infratech View Profile | SME IPO | 36 | 8.64 | 0 | 29-04 | 05-05 | |
LIC India View Profile | IPO | 902 | 21000 | 0 | 1.64 | 04-05 | 09-05 |
Prudent Advisor View Profile | IPO | 595 | 508.69 – 538.61 | 0 | 0.81 | 10-05 | 12-05 |
Delhivery View Profile | IPO | 462 | 5235 | 0 | 0.39 | 11-05 | 13-05 |
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