Aamir Khan always came out with a unique way to promote his films. The actor is known for his perfectionist ways and is leaving no stone unturned to make sure to promote his upcoming film, Laal Singh Chadha. Speaking of which, today, the 3 Idiots actor launched his first ever podcast titled Laal Singh Chaddha Ki Kahaniyaan, in which, he has shared some behind-the-scenes trivia and anecdotes on the podcast about the film, which also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan in the lead.
In the podcast, the actor shared with his audience that it took him almost 14 years to make Laal Singh Chadha. He says that the film has almost been completed now. “In June-July, the film will complete 14 years, since we started it. It has been quite a journey. First few years, we were running behind the rights of the film.” Aamir said. Further, spoke about Laal Singh Chaddha’s first song Kahani, which was released a few days back. He revealed the reason behind releasing the lyrical video and said that the audience has stopped listening to songs, and we have stopped hearing the songs. Aamir said, “I wanted people to just listen to the song created by Pritam and Amitabh Bhattacharya. We have confidence in the singers that whatever they’ve created doesn’t need the film’s visuals. I wanted that everyone should listen to the song and experience it.”
Laal Singh Chaddha is slated for cinema release on 11 August 2022.
Also Read: Aamir Khan & Kareena Kapoor’s Laal Singh Chaddha’s first song Kahani out: Pritam’s soulful melody wins hearts
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