Telugu superstar Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela will welcome their first child soon. After 12 years of marriage, the couple is looking forward to embracing the parenthood phase. They are excited and joyful, preparing for the appearance of a new member in the family. They share moments from the baby celebrations and their preparations to welcome the baby. In a new Instagram post, the couple collaborated to share a new tune created for their baby.
RRR song Naatu Naatu Singer Kala Bhairava has given a unique and extremely special gift for the soon to be introduced baby. The special tune in the video shared on Instagram is composed by none other than Kala Bhairava, who has lent his voice to the Oscar-winning song Naatu Naatu from RRR, in which the actor plays the lead role. Ram Charan and Upasana Kamineni thanked the music composer and singer for the melodious tune. They shared it on social media with the caption: “We are sure this tune will bring happiness and joy to millions of children around the world.”
See the video here
Ram Charan and Upasana created a special video to thank Kala Bhairava. They wrote a heartwarming note and added it to the video. Melodious music plays in the background of their video call. One of the lines from the note reads “this tune has a universal use to bring happiness, joy and positive impact to children around the world.” Both are happy to welcome their first child and have extended their warm greetings to the Naatu Naatu singer.
The tune is very soothing and it’s kind of the couple to share it with the world as it’s specially made for their baby. Ram Charan and Upasana have been in marital bliss for over a decade now. They planned to expand their family and are excited to welcome their first baby. The couple, who married in 2012, celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary on June 14. They treated their fans by sharing a glimpse of their anniversary celebration.
On the work front, Ram Charan will be next seen in Game Changer directed by S Shankar. He will share the screen with Kiara Advani in the political action thriller. The film is expected to release later in 2023.
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