Bigg Boss OTT which is known for its controversies, drama, and fights, recently returned with its second season. It has not even been a couple of days as drama has already started unfolding in the house. Recently, a showdown was seen happening between social media influencer Puneet Superstar and another influencer named Manisha Rani, who is known for her content in North India. Amid all the hoopla, the latter received support in the form of her co-contestant Bebika Durve, who is known for the show Bhagya Lakshmi.
Bigg Boss OTT 2: Manisha Rani gets slut shamed by Puneet Kumar; Bebika Durve comes to her support
In the latest episode of Bigg Boss OTT 2, Manisha Rani was teased by the fellow contestant Puneet, and even after crossing the limits, he did not step back from teasing her, and went below the line, on which he got an appropriate response from Bebika as she didn’t let him speak up again after going so low on Manisha.
From what we hear Puneet Superstar allegedly slut shamed Manisha Rani as he said that she needs a lot of men in her life, and even though she is with someone, she still needs a man. Apart from that, he also unnecessarily blamed Manisha for trying to make her bond with Jad Hadid. In response to this and taking a stand for Manisha, Bebika Dhurve got furious over him and took a strong stand for her. Not only this, she also explained to Puneet to not to do this again in a very straight and strict manner and made Manisha calm, as she was upset because of the unnecessary teasing.
Bigg Boss OTT Season 2 recently kicked off with a set of some interesting contestants which included Pooja Bhatt, Cyrus Broacha, Avinash Sachdev, Fukra Insaan aka Abhishek Malhan, Palak Purswani, Falaq Naaz, Aaliya Siddiqui, Aakanksha Puri, Jiya Shankar, entered the show, which is hosted by Salman Khan.
Also Read: CONFIRMED! Pooja Bhatt enters Bigg Boss OTT Season 2; introduces herself as audience representative and panellist in the Salman Khan show
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