It is indeed a huge loss for Bollywood. Veteran actress Sulochana is no more. She is known for playing mother to some of Bollywood’s top actors. She has worked in over 200 Hindi and Marathi films in her career. Sulochana Latkar passed away at the age of 94 due to age related issues. She is also a Padma Shri recipient. The news was confirmed to the Indian Express by her daughter Kanchana Ganekar. She appeared to be having difficulty breathing. Antim darshan will take place at her Prabhadevi home with cremation on Monday at 5:30 pm at Shivaji Park. Riteish Deshmukh took to Twitter to condole her death. He tweeted, “The news of Sulochana Didi’s death is very sad. Heartfelt tribute to this great actress who ruled the hearts of audiences in Marathi and Hindi cinema.”
The lady played mother to all the big stars from the 1960s to the 1980s like Mehmood, Amitabh Bachchan, Sunil Dutt, Dev Anand, Rajesh Khanna to name a few. She has been Big B’s mother in many films. It looks like the last rites will be held with full state honors.
Deeply saddened by the demise of legendary actress Sulochana. Our childhood was filled with memories of her iconic performances. She created a strong niche for the role of the loving mother that will remain an inspiration for generations to come.#SulochanaLatkar
— Vijay Darda (@vijayjdarda) June 4, 2023
The news of the death of Sulochana Didi is very sad. A heartfelt tribute to this great actress who ruled the hearts of audiences in Marathi and Hindi cinema. ????
— Riteish Deshmukh (@Riteishd) June 4, 2023
Veteran actress #SulochanaLatkar ji is gone!!
REST IN PEACE ????— Girish Johar (@girishjohar) June 4, 2023
Amitabh Bachchan had shared details of a letter she wrote for him when he turned 75. He took to Facebook and wrote in his blog, “Sulochana ji .. who has played my mother in countless movies .. my birthday wishes for her were made some time ago ; but HER greetings to me on my 75th birthday were outstanding .. her words are the greatest blessing !!! I know it’s been a long time and maybe it might not be ethical to do this, but I just couldn’t resist and just had to share this with my good people.”
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