Aamir Khan, who has been largely out of the limelight since the debacle of Laal Singh Chaddha, was seen at the trailer launch of Carry On Jatta 3. The Punjabi film stars Gippy Grewal, Gurpreet Ghugi and Sonam Bajwa in lead roles. Kapil Sharma hosted the evening. Aamir Khan looked in great spirits throughout the evening. He also did Bhangra. Aamir Khan seems to have told Kapil Sharma that he is his biggest fan. He said he watches The Kapil Sharma Show almost every day. This left the comedian quite happy. Aamir Khan was in the same look as his film Mangal Pandey.
Aamir Khan fans want to know when he will return to films. He told the media that he will do a film when he feels he is emotionally ready for the same. The actor had a hit with Laal Singh Chadha. He was said to be planning a break to reassess the situation. The superstar told everyone that he is busy spending time with his kids. He said he was enjoying his time with them. Well, this is so similar to what Shah Rukh Khan did after the failure of Zero. He decided to stay home and focus on his family. His vacation was extended due to the pandemic.
Aamir Khan was supposed to star in Campeones, which is a human drama set against the backdrop of sports. Looks like he has decided to walk away from the film. Akshay Kumar and Ranbir Kapoor are the two actors who are considering doing the film. It was reported that Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan and Salman Khan had a date at Galaxy Apartments. The trio spent some time until 4 am. There they also advised Aamir Khan to put Laal Singh Chaddha debacle behind him and choose a good project.
Aamir Khan seems to have told the two to come with him on a vacation to Europe or the US to recharge their batteries. He believes that at their age they should not be burdened with work. Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are now working on Tiger 3. The Pathaan star has a great cameo in Salman Khan’s film as per media reports.
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