As per recent reports, Trivikram Srinivas has approached Prabhas to mark their first collaboration together. Needless to say it will be a pan India entertainer and is expected to feature the actor in a new avatar. Although details are not yet revealed, a source has asserted about a film being on the cards to Pinkvilla saying, “Trivikram is busy with his ongoing project, SSMB28 with Mahesh Babu. He also has a couple of interesting story ideas, out of which one is locked with Allu Arjun and another, he recently met Prabhas and discussed about it. They are discussing a movie and it will be completely different from what they have done before. It will be in a unique space for Prabhas too and won’t be anything that you have seen him before. However, the discussions are quite in an initial stage.”
On the other hand, we also hear that his film with Allu Arjun will indeed go on floors by the end of this year, once he completes work on the Mahesh Babu starrer. The title of SSMB28 is expected to be unveiled next week and it is slated to hit big screens on January 13, 2024.
Coming to Prabhas, his upcoming line up of films include Nag Ashwin’s ambitious sci-fi drama Project K with Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan as well as Prashanth Neel’s Salaar with Shruti Haasan and Prithviraj Sukumaran.
Also Read: Adipurush: Prabhas starrer second song ‘Ram Siya Ram’ to release on May 29 in 5 languages
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