During an interview with Hindustan Times, Monika Bhadoriya disclosed that the producers of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah withheld her payment for a period of three months after her departure from the show. She said, “I have fought for my money for over a year. Unhone har artist ka paisa rok rakha hai – whether it was Raj (Anadkat), Gurucharan (Singh) Bhai – sirf torture karne ke liye. Unke paas paise ki kami nahi hai.”
Bhadoriya shared that her mother was battling cancer at the time, but the show’s makers displayed a lack of support and understanding. “I would spend the night at the hospital, and they would call me early in the morning for a shoot. Even if I would say I am not in the right state of mind, they would force me to come. The worst part was that even after coming on shoot, I would wait, mera kuch kaam hi nahi hota tha,” she shared.
Following her mother’s demise due to her deteriorating health, the actress received a call from producer Asit Kumarr Modi. Monika revelaed, “I was in a trauma, but he only called me seven days after my mother’s death, asking me to report on the set. When I said I wasn’t in condition, his team said, ‘Hum aapko paisa de rahe hai, hum jab chahe aap ko khada hona padega chahe aap ki Mummy admit ho ya koi.’ I went to the set because I had no option and I would just cry every day. Upar se unka torture and misbehave bhi karte the. They would call me on the set an hour before the call time. Itni gundagardi hai unke set pe. He (Asit) says, ‘I’m a God’.”
Monika also added, “Maine bola mujhe kaam hi nahi karna aisi jagah jaha pe aapko kaam karke aisa lage ki issey better suicide karlo. Jo koi aaraha hai badtameezi se baat kar raha hai, sohil sabse badtameezi se baat karte hai,” she added.
Also Read: TMKOC actress Jennifer Mistry aka Mrs. Roshan says she is ‘disappointed’ with Mandar Chandwadkar aka Mr. Bhide; says, “He has been a close friend and I am surprised that he’s saying that I don’t know”
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