And yes, Raghav Chadha took to his Twitter account and shared the pictures from their engagement ceremony and they look dreamy in white. They pair up romantically in each other’s arms and share the happiest moments of their lives. Parineeti Chopra looks absolutely gorgeous and we just love the subtle white and cream combo she chose to wear while Raghav looks like a super handsome groom and they really do look like a match made in heaven. As Pari and Raghav shared the pictures on their social media accounts, the internet went crazy watching their sizzling chemistry; their romantic poses made fans swoon; and how, just look at these two, aren’t they gorgeous together?
Everything I prayed for.. She said yes! ?
God bless ??— Raghav Chadha (@raghav_chadha) May 13, 2023
Parineeti and Raghav left their fans surprised when they stepped out for dinner together and since then there has been a lot of buzz about their engagement. Finally, the day came and put an end to all the speculation: the couple is engaged and will soon be married. Parineeti is one of the most popular actresses in B-town and her old video is going viral where she talks about never marrying a politician. Well, as they say, never say never.
Watch the video of Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha walking hand in hand after their engagement ceremony.
Parineeti and Raghav even came out to greet the media after their engagement ceremony was over. The couple left shutters extremely happy with their appearance together. Parineeti chose to be the subtle bride, wore a cream color chudidaar and had our hearts. Pari and Raghav walked hand in hand and set the newly engaged couple big goals that will instantly make you say ‘Nazar na lage’.
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