Such a thing happens very rarely and remains forever. Akshay Kumar and Mohanlal met at a wedding and both the superstars broke into Bhangra dance and are winning the hearts of fans with their amazing chemistry. Akshay took to his Instagram and shared his video along with south sensation Mohanlal and called it the most memorable day of his life. The caption written by Akshay Kumar on his Instagram post read, “I will always remember this dance with you @mohanlal Sir. An absolutely memorable moment.” Fans went crazy after seeing this brotherhood and insist that they have already collaborated for a film.
Watch the video of Akshay Kumar and Mohanlal dancing Bhangra and winning hearts like never before.
Akshay Kumar is a die-hard fan of Mohanlal, well, who isn’t? And this video of them dancing together is no less than a visual treat for fans and netizens. Akshay is the most loved star in the industry and his work is appreciated everywhere. His journey has been remarkable and the Khiladi superstar is making his mark wherever he goes. And now with this video of his, his fans are hoping that he will collaborate with Mohanlal and if it happens, it will create fireworks at the box office.
Akshay Kumar will next be seen in Selfie opposite Emraan Hashmi where he plays the role of a superstar and has an argument with a fan played by Emraan. The duo recreated the song Main Khiladi Tu Anari which is already a hit among fans. Mohanlal enjoys huge fame in the south and there is no bigger star than him right now. What if both the superstars come together for one movie, well, it will be a blockbuster already!
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