Kiara Advani just posted an adorable wish for birthday boy Sidharth Malhotra and made it official that the two are very much together. Sharing a photo of them in which the couple can’t take their eyes off each other, it shows them enjoying the sunset. Well, fans want to know if this photo is from their birthday celebration or what? What is Kiara excited their fans and how.
Siddharth and Kiara have been dating for over 2 years. The couple met on the sets of Shersha and have been inseparable ever since. Check out this cute photo that will make you fall in love with everything all over again. Siddharth and Kiara are the perfect couple and they just seem made for each other, if you still can’t believe you just looked at this adorable full picture.
The picture has gone viral on the internet and will make you regret that they are already married. Rumors of their wedding have been doing the rounds for quite some time, while Siddharth refuted them saying that he is focusing on his career and wants his fans to focus on the same for now and if anything happens, he will tell the world. Reportedly, Kiara and Siddharth will be seen together in another Shashank Khaitan-helmed romantic comedy film. Fans are eagerly waiting for the couple to make an official announcement soon. Meanwhile, happy birthday to Siddharth.
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