Popular TV actress Ratan Rajput, who was last seen playing the role of Devi Ushma in Santoshi Maa – Sunayein Vrat Kathayein, is quite active on social media and keeps sharing her life updates with her fans through vlogs. Ratan recently shared a video on her Instagram where she speaks from the heart and reveals the real reason why high class people are killing themselves in the world of glamour. She even revealed the truth about the show business industry.
Bigg Boss season 7 contestant Ratan mentioned why it is necessary to talk about the state of the industry. She even said that many times people say that men should not have killed themselves, but asked why they were forced to take such a sudden step. This Ratan video is sure to leave you shocked to the core. Ratan said that the entertainment industry is considered high class and people who come from a village in this high society become stars. She even said that there are maximum number of suicides that happen in the high class society. She said she has seen low class people fight and get beaten but stay focused on their work.
Watch Ratan Rajput’s video –
Ratan Rajput, who belongs to Patna, Bihar, said she does not understand what high-class society is. She even said that she connects with real people, not fake ones. She even said that people have a problem paying rent, but to show their high class, they change their entire lifestyle and take out loans. Ratan said that high-class society burdens people’s minds and they tend to buy expensive things. She even said that people who don’t have enough money book big hotels and throw lavish parties to show that they belong to the upper class. Ratan said that she is happy in her life and even asked her fans not to stress.
On the work front, Ratan made his television debut with Raavan in 2006 and was later seen in shows like Radha Ki Betiyaan Kuch Kar Dikhayengi, Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo, Santoshi Maa and others.
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