The TV show Anupamaa has been ruling the TRP charts for a long time. Starring Rupali Ganguly, Gaurav Khanna and Sudhanshu Pandey. However, the current plot is about Toshu and Kinjal’s marriage problems. Toshu cheated on her and now Kinjal has moved into Anupamaa and Gaurav Khanna’s home. Each episode shows the Shahs having problems and Anupamaa solving their problems. But what about the Kapadias? Netizens are now upset that the makers are focusing too much on the Shah family and that the Kapadias are being left out.
On Twitter, all MaAn fans are angry because there are hardly any good moments shared by Anuj Kapadia and Anupamaa. So fans believe that everything was fine when they were not married as fans saw them together more often.
Check out the tweets below:
#Anupamaa can Anupamaa get sick for few days? Can Anupamaa ask Anuj to take her away for a few days? Can Anuj at least once apply full haaq on Anupamaa? You don’t have to be mean but you can be selfish at times????
— Jay (@Jay03071980) October 8, 2022
No indirect or anything saki, but in #anupamaa, the question is not chess. The problem is the tracks
Anu is more in SH than her own. No personal or professional development has occurred.
And even with Shahs, all the songs are half-baked. Nothing moved AT ALL— A Known Stranger (@aknownstranger_) October 7, 2022
Can the Shah Parivar actors playing the characters of Vee?, Baa, Bapuji, Toshu, Pakhi go on a little break so that we can #MaAnn ? & Kapadias oriented Track.. I love MaAn VS xtra Kapadia because Shahs are getting boring now?
These are missing #Anupamaa❤ &#AnujKapadia❤ moments??? https://t.co/rftMViE20v— ????? ℜ???? ? (@reddyshree_) October 8, 2022
Anuj Kapadia is not Anupama Kapadia’s therapist who comes every week to unload all her problems, get some rest and get back to her life until the next appointment. He’s her husband, they have a family of their own… it’s funny how much you ignore them.#anupamaa
— Mrs K ✨ (@sunshinexgirl03) October 7, 2022
The show was so much better when MaAn wasn’t married, I said it. It’s clear you have no decent plot left in your head, why don’t you end the show instead of putting the viewers through all this torture? Every song is half baked and worthless.#anupamaa • #maan
— Mrs K ✨ (@sunshinexgirl03) October 7, 2022
Now we all will have to wait and watch if there is any change in the Anupamaa track.
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