Kanye West reveals custody detail: Kim Kardashian looks after the kids 80 percent of the time

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Kanye West reveals custody detail: Kim Kardashian looks after the kids 80 percent of the time
Kanye West reveals custody detail: Kim Kardashian looks after the kids 80 percent of the time


Following Kanye West and Kim Kardashian‘s divorce, it is the reality TV star who is mostly looking after their children.

The paid had four children together – North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm – but they filed for divorce in February of 2021 after seven years of marriage.

Now, the rapper has spoken about their custody situation, doing so on the Alo Mind Full podcast, the show of Alo Yoga co CEO Danny Harris.

“Everybody wants to have everyone so doped out, so controlled out, that you’re not allowed to even sand up for the things that you’re handing to your family,” Kanye West said.

“The idea of taking the control and opinions or anything away from the mother or the father takes way someone’s meaning in life.

“So, even to this day, I’ll still give Kim advice on things that can help, because that’s going to go to the kids.

“She’s still got to, basically 80 percent of the time, raise those children.”

Kim Kardashian wants Kanye West to be part of their children’s lives

Even though the two celebrities split up, Kim Kardashian still wants Kanye West to be involved with the family and with the children.

“No matter what we’re going through, I always want my kids to be around their dad as much as possible and just have their mornings with dad and get dropped off at school,” she said in an interview on The Today Show.

She has also previously revealed that she and Kanye West are open about their split with their children, even though they are all still very young.

So, Kanye West is still involved in 20 percent of the kids’ lives, even if it’s the mother who is mostly raising them.


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