The double f in Fforme, a new clothing label offering a capsule-like collection of structured classics, stands for “fundamental and foundational,” highlighting the brand’s core ideas. Co-founders Nina Khosla, a product designer for startups, and Laura Vazquez, who has worked in womenswear for more than 25 years, sought to create a new line that would allow women to dress boldly and confidently—or, as Fforme creative director Paul Helbers puts it, claim “the space around them with architectural volumes.”
Fforme’s first edition of 29 pieces, all made in Italy, includes a cropped cashmere jacket, a merino cape dress and high-waisted wool trousers. Helbers, who previously designed menswear at Maison Margiela and Louis Vuitton, thinks customers will be particularly drawn to the double-faced-wool Wei coat, with its elegantly oversize shoulders. “This is a piece a lot of women will enjoy wearing,” Helbers says. Fforme.com.
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