Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja became parents to a baby boy on August 20, 2022. Since then, her fans have been waiting to catch a glimpse of the new mother and her little one. Although fans did get a little glimpse of them when she returned home from the hospital. However, the couple is yet to post official photos of their baby boy on social media. Meanwhile, Sonam Kapoor did not make her first public appearance. But only virtually! confused? During Kunal Rawal’s wedding, fans caught a glimpse of Sonam Kapoor.
Sonam Kapoor at Kunal Rawal’s wedding
Ace designer Kunal Rawal tied the knot with designer Arpita Mehta. It was a big fat wedding attended by many great men. Arjun Kapoor, Varun Dhawan, Shahid Kapoor and others were part of the wedding. Kapoors like Rhea Kapoor, Boney Kapoor, Shanaya Kapoor and others also attended the wedding ceremony. Sonam Kapoor, who is also a close friend of Kunal Rawal, could not physically attend the wedding, but made sure her presence was felt through a video call. While Rhea Kapoor shared a video from Kunal Rawal’s wedding, fans could catch a glimpse of Sonam Kapoor chatting with her sister over a video call. Check it out here.
From the mehendi ceremony to the pre-wedding celebration, Kunal Rawal and Arpita Mehta’s wedding was a fun and lavish wedding. White was the theme of the wedding as everyone was dressed in gorgeous white, sparkly outfits.
Talking about Sonam Kapoor, the new mom is currently sharing pictures from her pregnancy photo shoot on social media. The couple has yet to reveal their baby’s name. We look forward to finding out!
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