You know when you’re aimlessly scrolling through Instagram and you come across a random friend from high school (let’s call her Jessica) and their brother? Only, that’s not actually Jessica’s brother…it’s her newly hard-launched boyfriend, who looks like he could be her sibling? Truly HARROWING each and every time. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not exclusive to randoms from your hometown.
There are a ton of current and former celeb couples out there who started to look like their partner in a myriad of ways, from their wardrobe aesthetic to their hairstyles—and sometimes, even their literal bone structure. Before we get into it (and by “it,” I mean Brad Pitt and his many lookalike girlfriends), there’s actually a scientific explanation for this phenomenon.
As psychologist Justin Lehmiller told TIME back in 2019, people are subconsciously more drawn to those who have familiar features. And there’s nothing more familiar that your own face, I guess! Lehmiller also added that “attraction is this very complex phenomenon, and there are so many factors that play a role in it. Initial similarity might lead you to be attracted to somebody, but it doesn’t mean you’ll have a happy relationship. Attraction is not something that’s easy to predict.”
Food for thought, especially if you swipe on someone who has your same face the next time you’re on Hinge! Until that day comes, enjoy these celebs who are clearly attracted to themselves.
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