5 Tips For Pulling Off A DIY Valentine’s Day Date

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5 Tips For Pulling Off A DIY Valentine’s Day Date


So, you’ve got a date for Valentine’s, but then you realize that most establishments are fully booked. You and your date aren’t into the upcoming romantic movies showing in the cinemas either. What do you do now? Set up a DIY Valentine’s date instead, of course.

Taking the DIY route is perfect for those last-minute, tight-budget dates. You don’t have to pay for an expensive dinner-out bill for a one-day affair. And you don’t need to go somewhere far away. You might already have a few ideas ready, but you might also be wondering how to make your date extra special.

Don’t fret; this list is here to help! Keep reading for some tips to pull off your DIY V-Day date perfectly:

  1. Use Fresh Flower

Nothing beats the natural beauty of authentic flowers. Fresh blooms are a staple in any Valentine’s date. They make a sweet and lovely Valentine’s day gift, too. Decorate your house with fresh flowers to heighten the romantic atmosphere for your stay-at-home celebration. Aside from the usual red roses, you could pick ones with specific meanings like:

  • Pink orchids, which symbolize pure affection
  • Red carnations, which symbolize admiration and deep love
  • White daisies, which symbolize loyal love and patience

If neither of you isn’t fond of strong scents, you can choose flowers with a mild fragrance instead. Go with calla lilies or tulips; they are easy on the nose without sacrificing that pop of color in the room.

The great thing about purchasing flowers now is that you can do it online. Buying online plants is easy and won’t take much of your time. Just ensure the blooms that caught your eye comes from a reputable source and are fresh when they arrive. Fresh flowers beat artificial ones any day, so utilize nature’s gifts for that one special day with the one you love. 

  1. Curate Your Playlist

Amplify the mood by playing background music that fits the theme of your Valentine’s date idea. A quick search in your favorite streaming app will give you pre-made playlists for any V-Day night. But if you want to make things more personal, curate a playlist of your own that includes songs both of you love.

If your partner trusts you enough to let you go through their phone, load up their playlist with more songs you think they’ll enjoy. The new tunes may become their next favorite songs to play on repeat. But to be safe, play music straight from your phone. Your partner will appreciate it either way. 

While you’re at it, clear some space in the living room or the bedroom. The songs in your Valentine’s playlist might be so romantic you two could end up slow dancing (or jamming out) while the night’s still young.

  1. Cook Up A Meal

Valentine’s Day is one of those days when booking a restaurant is like finding a needle in a haystack. It’s almost impossible to find a good place with free slots for a couple. If you lack the foresight to reserve seats, relax and take a deep breath. You’ve got a kitchen at home and could still cook up something great.

Start with breakfast in bed for your partner. Why not try leveling up their usual favorites? For example, if they enjoy pancakes in the morning, make heart-shaped flapjacks drizzled in chocolate syrup and topped with fresh berries. Check out these other Valentine’s Day breakfast ideas for more romantic meals to prepare. 

You could cook lunch or dinner yourself or spice things up by cooking together. It’s an excellent way to bond and learn how you two can work as a team in the kitchen. Try cooking each other’s favorite food or cook something new. Then after a hearty meal, pop open that bottle of wine to cap off your romantic night.

  1. Do Hobbies Together

You and your partner may have fallen in love with each other because of a shared hobby. If you did, V-Day is the perfect time to do those things together. 

Get your console ready and spend the day playing games. You could try a multiplayer game to test your teamwork or thinking skills. Or go old-school and dust off that board game you’ve wanted to play again. Board games are also an intimate activity for couples. You could even make things more exciting by placing some fun bets.

If you’re both artists, make art together. Bring out your tubes of paint, brushes, and sheets of paper and challenge each other to a drawing contest. See who can recreate their favorite cartoon characters within a short time limit or create a new character by taking turns drawing parts of the body. You’ll be getting a lot of laughs while having fun doing something you both enjoy.

  1. Give Heartfelt Gifts

Gift-giving is a given during Valentine’s Day. Couples worldwide make it a point to offer their lovers something from the heart on this special day. Giving your partner a gift shows them how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. Cards and flowers are acceptable as V-Day gifts, but you could always give something better.

DIY Valentine’s Day Date

Many people appreciate receiving practical gifts. Give your lover a home spa kit or care box filled with their favorite snacks they’ll surely love. Your partner, who may be a voracious reader, will enjoy getting the book you’ve spotted in their online shopping cart. Some of the best Valentine’s gifts are pretty simple and won’t let you break your bank. So, you don’t need to worry about giving something expensive. It’s the thought that counts, after all.

Don’t Sweat It

Valentine’s Day is a one-day affair that keeps many people on their toes. But you don’t have to panic on the day of love and romance. Sometimes, a DIY romantic date is enough to make things more personal and intimate. And by applying the tips above for your at-home V-Day date, you’re sure to have a fantastic night to remember.


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