14 Important and Valuable Goals Companies Should Set for 2023 – Rolling Stone


The first few weeks of the new year are the perfect opportunity for businesses to reflect on the previous year and set new goals accordingly. By looking at what worked and what didn’t, you can understand what changes to make to achieve meaningful, realistic and relevant goals by the end of 2023. Additionally, having goals can help you rally your team around a common cause and inspire greater collaboration and productivity.

To that end, 14 members of Rolling Stone’s Culture Council share one goal companies should set this year and why they think that goal is worthwhile. If you’re looking for inspiration on where to focus your efforts, consider starting here.

Support personal growth of employees

The goal of any company should be to support the personal growth of each employee, which will ultimately manifest as greater growth for the company. An easy way to start is to ask your team for their three MIQs (Most Important Questions) and have everyone post theirs publicly. This provides powerful insight into people’s goals and motivations, which is invaluable in understanding how to maximize their joy and contribution to work. – Jeff Chen, Radicle Science

Reduce your waste footprint

It’s time for every company, no matter what service or product they produce, to examine their waste footprint and start a plan to reduce their use of plastic. Businesses that lead the way and take seriously the task of rethinking wasteful consumerism will be in a position of resilience, positioned to thrive, not just survive. – Maureen Smitty, CastleWare Baby

Focus on employee health

Last year was a tough year for people, from Covid to telecommuting and more. More companies need to focus on their most important asset: people. Companies should rely heavily on employee health, focusing on making employees’ lives easier and happier. Our team has developed dozens of strategies from call-free days to corporate off-sites and wellness scholarships to help drive employee health and happiness. – Tim Huelskamp, ​​1440 Media

Define a Web3 strategy

Companies that want to lead their industries in 2023 must clearly define their Web3 strategy. Web3 is here to stay, far beyond crypto, decentralized finance (DeFi) or the metaverse itself. Companies, especially brands in the B2C space, will redefine the way they have conversations with their customers by leveraging the extraordinary potential of Web3’s first-party data, ownership economy, and customer-led identity. – Vicente Marti, another family

Consider a social problem

Participating in a discussion around current social issues as a company can be a fine line, but studies show it improves consumer engagement and increases employee productivity and loyalty. Collaborate with or sponsor organizations or movements whose issues align with your business strategy and mission statements by sponsoring fundraisers, donating to charities, or implementing inclusive marketing. – Andy Hale, Hale and Monico

Create a strategy to avoid burnout

Many of us work ourselves to the bone even though we know it’s not good for us or our business. The goal then is to create a plan to avoid burnout. Set clear boundaries, know when to take a break, and learn when to ask for help. Make sure you’re running your business in a way that’s good (and healthy) for you—professionally, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. – Harrison Wise, Wise Collective Inc.

The Rolling Stone Culture Council is an invitation-only community for influencers, innovators and creatives. do i qualify?

Prepare for an economic downturn

As signs point to an economic downturn, businesses may see a decrease in revenue and profits, which could put pressure on the bottom line. To weather the storm, companies must look for ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency. This may include streamlining their operations, cutting unnecessary costs and finding more cost-effective ways of doing business. – Jason Saltzman, Relief

Promote educational opportunities

Reward out-of-the-box thinking and encourage learning new skills on a daily basis. Give your employees the support and permission they need to thrive and bring you new and innovative ways to make business better. Encourage the development of new skills frequently and lead by example. Make learning a big part of leadership. – Stephanie Dillon, Stephanie Dillon Art

Improve your workplace culture

Be a better employer. Recognize both the individual and shared challenges of the past few years and find ways to make your workplace a source of joy and fulfillment. This may mean adding more benefits, reducing time spent on work, and rethinking the value of recurring meetings. Consider switching to a four-day work week to give each of your employees back 20 percent of their lives. You will not regret. – Dan Giuliani, Volt Athletics

Create new content

Create more content than you consume. As business owners, we are always looking to educate ourselves and learn more. Stop for a moment and think about how much time you might spend reading, taking courses, and researching. Instead, create content that supports your customers, such as blog posts, videos, podcasts, and more. – Matt Campbell, My Wedding Songs

live for the moment

Embrace and enjoy the reality of not knowing. For the past few years, it seems we’ve been expected to predict the future, or at least have a plan for almost any contingency. Not only does this add stress at all levels of the business, it also threatens innovation because it leads to a “wait and see” attitude instead of a more playful and empowered “let’s try” approach. – Ailey McGill, Nickel Plate Arts

Reduce meetings

One goal that companies should set themselves this year is to ensure that people don’t get bogged down in meetings. Use this time effectively and find more ways to connect on a more personal level so that the meetings we do have are more effective and community building. – Victoria Bachchan, Whalar


Try something new

More companies should look to try something new this year. Trends come and go, but disruptive developments in the business landscape—from artificial intelligence to the popularity of video marketing and more—are worth keeping up with. Get your teams to try something outside their comfort zones (internally or externally) and watch your company culture and actual business flourish as a result. – Dan Serard, Creative Group Cannabis

Focus on improving your skills

Every company should make it their goal this year to prioritize improving their skills, knowledge and training in order to provide better services or products than the previous year. Goal setting should be about achieving growth, so identify areas that could benefit or need growth, and then focus on building those areas. – Sonia Singh, Center for Inner Transformations


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