12 tips for returning to the office after a pandemic

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12 tips for returning to the office after a pandemic
12 tips for returning to the office after a pandemic


With a drop in the number of covid cases and more and more people getting vaccinated, employees are being asked to return to work in a place that is causing anxiety and discomfort for them.

According to a study by Harvard Business School and the Future Forum by Slack, a large part of the population is reluctant to return to the office full-time after covid. According to a survey by Live Career, 29% of employees are ready to quit their jobs if their companies don’t allow them to work from home. The remaining 62% said they would prefer employers that offer telecommuting options for future positions.

A survey conducted by Flexjob states – Nearly 6 in 10 workers would look for a new job if they were forced to work from the office full-time.

After working from home for nearly two years, returning to the office post-covid seems daunting and would require some adjustments for employees. with their concerns and stress in mind, here are ten tips for employees returning to the office post-pandemic.

1. Ask questions

Companies are exploring a range of post-covid back-to-the-office policies. Share your queries with your employer. Check the safety measures they take, the parking spaces and the lockers. The more information you have, the more comfortable you’ll feel going back to the office.

2. Update your wardrobe

After two years of working from home, your work wardrobe needs an update. Since clothes boost our confidence, it’s time to transform your wardrobe. Try on existing professional clothing to see if it fits you. If not, go shopping and buy new pieces, this will also help you fight back-to-the-office woes.

3. Re-establish a routine

Set yourself up to restore a routine. For the past many months, employees have not followed any professional dress code while working from home. But now it’s time to restore the old routine. Iron your formal wear the night before to avoid last-minute stress. Wake up early and spend some time meditating. It will keep you charged throughout the day. And avoid rush hour traffic by getting to the office a little earlier.

4. Adjust your sleep schedule

If you’ve gotten into the habit of sleeping late, it’s time to change that habit. Go back to your pre-pandemic schedule and start sleeping early to wake up on time. Set your alarm to wake up early so you have enough time to get ready for the office.

5. Turn off your phone before bed

If you go to bed at 10 p.m., turn off your phone an hour earlier, put it on silent, or keep it out of bed. The temptation to watch content one after another can keep you awake for hours. Blue light from your phone is harmful to your eyes and can cause you to lose sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause memory problems, poor concentration drains your mental abilities and puts your health at risk.

6. Keep wearing masks

Don’t throw away your masks just because the coronavirus cases are over. Prevention is necessary. Wear masks when you are in the crowd to avoid getting infected. This is an important safety measure to follow when returning to the office after COVID 19.

7. Continue washing hands

Wash your hands often to avoid transferring germs from your hands to your mouth, eyes, or nose. This will not only protect you from bacteria and viruses, but also keep you healthy and safe.

8. Disinfect your workstation

Clean your desk and the area around your workstation. You can use alcohol wipes or disinfectants to kill viruses on surfaces. Top tip to follow when returning to the office after covid.

9. Avoid the crowds

Continue to maintain physical distance and avoid large crowds. Be especially careful if you have small children at home or family members who are not fully vaccinated. Avoid the risks by taking the necessary precautions.

10. Reset your boundaries

Working from home has blurred the lines between work and home, with employees multitasking and eating lunch while continuing to work on laptops. Now is the time to reset boundaries and bring balance to life. Work wholeheartedly while in the office and relax when you return.

11. Consider caregiving responsibilities

In the last two years, women manage work and home, take care of children and the elderly. Now, when it’s time to go back to the office, they’ll have to organize childcare centers and crèches. Make sure you have a reliable and safe place to leave your loved ones safely before you start working from the office full time.

12. Sort pets

A report from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals states – Nearly 1 in 5 households adopted a pet during the pandemic. As pets, they keep them company in difficult times. Now that it’s time to go back to the office, families need help with pet care during the day. Start looking for the pet service providers and finalize the services as soon as possible.

Following these tips will help you adjust to the new routine and help you comfortably return to the office after the COVID 19 pandemic.


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