The Kerala Story was released on May 5, 2023 and sparked several controversies and protests that maligned the film. Despite all the objections, the film grossed Rs 171 crore at the domestic box office. People claim that the film created an image of a particular religion. Also, there were many communal clashes across the country after the film was released in theatres. Similarly, we had a conversation with Yogita Bihani, who plays a lead role in the film, and she feels that this is not about religion or community again, but against terrorism.
Although the film was a success at the box office, there was a lot of controversy surrounding it. People are claiming that the film is an attack on a particular community and religion. In fact, people who asked for history or facts in the film had an argument that it should be banned. There are many riots and many clashes happening between the communities and our nation after the movie started screening. But when we spoke to Yogita Bihani about the scene, this is what she had to say. It has a strong and clear message to the audience that will watch the film and can be negatively influenced against a certain summit or religion.
What is your message to audiences who may be swayed against a particular religion or community after seeing the film?
Look, I’m playing a Christian. There are two other girls who play Hindus and there were other girls in the film who were Muslim and were in the ISIS organization. So it can happen to anyone, Hindu, Muslim, Christian or Sikh, because terrorism has no religion. They want suicide bombers and sex slaves.
Explaining her point of view, she said: “They can convert anyone and for them it’s like serving God, their ideology is different from ours. They are anti-human, they don’t care about religion and all they want are girls. They are terrorists and have no religion, they don’t even spare the children and boys and convert them too, not only the girls. According to her, this is a national threat, “because if people join this army, eventually these suicide bombers will come and kill only us.”
On the history of Kerala
Kerala Story revolves around the story of a group of women from Kerala who converted to Islam and joined the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The film stars Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani, Vijay Krishna Siddhi Idnani and Sonia Balani. The film is directed by Sudipto Sen and produced by Vipul Shah under the banner of Sunshine Productions. The film hits theaters on May 5, 2023.
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