Back in 2018, Tanushree Dutta shared controversial statements about Bollywood director Vivek Agnihotri. She accused Vivek of s*xual harassment while shooting for Chocolate which also starred Nana Patekar, Suniel Shetty, Irfan Khan and Anil Kapoor in pivotal roles. Later, the director’s lawyer issued a press release against the allegations and called it ‘an intent to attract publicity.’ Scroll below to read the scoop.
Nidhish Mehrotra who happened to be the director’s lawyer issued a press release stating that Tanushree is being sued for defamation. Vivek shared the same on his official Twitter handle too with a caption that read, ‘The press release.’
Vivek Agnihotri’s press release read, “The allegations levelled against my client Mr Vivek Agnihotri by Ms Tanushree Dutta for misbehaviour and/or harassment are absolutely false, frivolous and vexatious. These allegations are deliberate and have been borne with an intent to attract publicity and wreak personal vendetta against my client with malafide intentions. On the instruction of my client, we have served a legal notice to initiate defamation action against her.”
Read the press release here:
The Press Release. pic.twitter.com/CGazoCck7v
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) October 4, 2018
In the comments section, a user named Mohit Gulati also shared the other side of the story, take a look at it below:
The other side of Tanushree Dutta’s controversial story from Sattyajit Gazmer who was the associate director in that movie. Please go through his entire post and his story in this thread. pic.twitter.com/UMEv295aIa
— Mohit Gulati 🇮🇳 (@desimojito) October 3, 2018
Tanushree Dutta also accused Nana Patekar of s*xual harassment on the sets of Horn OK Pleasss back in 2008. This was one of the first #MeToo statements that came out in public and later became a huge controversy.
What are your thoughts on Vivek Agnihotri’s reply to Tanushree’s allegations? Tell us in the comments below.
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