Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan have been happily married for over 16 years now and there was a time when the Daasvi actor pointed out the equation between Aishwarya and his mother Jaya Bachchan in the initial stage of their marriage. The iconic couple appeared on Karan Johar’s show after their marriage, where Karan asked Abhishek how he was handling the equation between Ash, his mother Jaya Bachchan and his sister Shweta Bachchan. In the video, you can see Karan calling Aishwarya the other woman as she questions Abhishek about managing the equation between the girls.
Watch the video of Aishwarya Rai Bachchan reacting to being called the other woman in Abhishek Bachchan’s life because of Jaya Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan by Karan Johar on his show Koffee with Karan.
Karan asks Abhishek, “Do you feel, Abhishek, that at some point you were torn between three women in your life because you had aunt Jaya and the apple of your eye Shweta and now you have the other woman? (turning to Aishwarya). Have you ever felt the need to juggle between girls? Aishwarya looked a little offended by Karan calling her the other woman and she told him, “Only when the wife will be called the other woman like you said.”
Abhishek Bachchan answers Kaam Johar’s question and admits all the girls have a good equation and even said that Aishwarya and Jaya share a good bond with each other, but we wonder if the netizens will agree with the actor. Just a few months ago, Aishwarya’s loss of cool over Navya Nanda and Abhishek went viral and it only fueled speculations that all is not well between the Bachchan family and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
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