Bollywood’s Sultan Salman Khan is trending on social media, courtesy of, his recent appearance at a party. Recently, the actor arrived at Murad Khetani’s birthday bash in Mumbai, however, his unusual entry holding a half-filled glass in his hand has left the internet in splits. Salman after coming out of his car was seen trying to fit the glass in the pocket of his jeans. The video of the same has gone viral and it has left everyone confused.
One fan asked, “Bhai glass mein kya tha? .” Another said, “Glass in pants pocket. New style of bhai.” A third netizen pointed out, “Nope it’s white rum.” Interestingly, this is the first time when the 56-year-old actor arrived at a public event, holding the glass.
Meanwhile, Salman is busy filming his upcoming actioner Tiger 3 with Katrina Kaif. He has many exciting projects in his kitty and amongst them is Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan alongside Pooja Hegde and Shehnaaz Gill, Chiranjeevi’s Godfather, and Riteish Deshmukh’s Ved. Reportedly, Khan will also appear in a special cameo role in Shah Rukh Khan’s comeback film Pathaan.
Image Source: Twitter
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