Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan have left their fans excited with their next collaboration Vikram Vedha. The film is the official Hindi remake of the 2017 thriller of the same name which starred R Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi. While Hrithik and Saif’s look have already generated buzz and excitement among their fans, there is a section that has its doubts about the Hindi remake. For the unversed, husband-wife filmmaker duo of Pushkar and Gayatri, who directed the original, are also helming the Hindi remake.
In a recent chat with Hindustan Times, the director duo revealed that there has been no pressure from anyone to make the Hindi version of Vikram Vedha in a certain manner. Elaborating on the same, Pushkar said, “We know how to make films in a certain way, and we will stick to that only. I hope people don’t think of it as ‘Bollywoodised’ or anything. There has been no pressure from any quarters to do it in a certain way, let’s put it that way. There has been no pressure from the producers or distributors saying films here have to be made a certain way. Nobody has had that conversation with us.”
Meanwhile, Gayatri revealed that they were brought on board to recreate the elements that made the original so successful. “They liked the film and they wanted us to make it the way we make it. We have not found any pressure from any side and we have done our best,” she affirmed.
However, Hrithik and Saif starrer Vikram Vedha was propped up on a much larger scale as compared to the original. “The scale is obviously much bigger. And that gives us a lot more scope to do things. But other than that, I don’t think there is any push,” Pushkar added.
The Hrithik and Saif starrer thriller is set to release later this year.
ALSO READ: Vikram Vedha: Radhika Apte on working with Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan in the film; EXCLUSIVE VIDEO
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