Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Chiyaan Vikram have teamed up again for Mani Ratnam’s upcoming magnum opus Ponniyin Selvan after almost more than a decade. They were last seen together in another Mani Ratnam directorial film Raavanan and their chemistry was loved by fans. When Vikram was in New Delhi recently to promote their film, he talked about Aishwarya being constantly judged and recalled her moment on stage even before she was crowned Miss World in 1994.
Praising Aishwarya for her charismatic personality, Vikram said there have been many beauty queens but Aish has something that has stolen everyone’s hearts. He called her picture perfect and added that it’s not just about beauty, it’s about everything. He said that Aishwarya is always under a microscope and is constantly being watched. And despite all this, she remains perfect and does it in her own style.
Vikram then went on to recall the time when he first saw Aishwarya, when she was yet to win the coveted title of Miss World. “The first time I saw her, she hadn’t even got the title yet, I was in the crowd. When she came in the cloth caught on her leg and she tripped and I thought she was going to fall on her face. She tripped, she made a few missteps, she got her balance, got back up and did the routine, what she had to do. It struck me that this guy was going places. I feel it in her, the confidence, the poise, the grace. Everywhere you go, even in Chennai, in South India, even today there will be jewelery shops and saree shops with her picture,” he said.
Vikram also said that fans often tell him that he and Aishwarya look fantastic on screen, but they don’t get to work together in films very often. He then praised her dancing skills and admitted that he just lost himself and lost himself watching her dance steps during the shot.
He also praised Aishwarya’s professionalism and liked the way she put her character. Despite being a mother, taking care of her household, spending time with her family members, Aishwarya gets her lines straight. He then told Aishwarya that “it must be so scary to be who you are.”
While Aishwarya plays the dual role of Queen Nandini of Pajuvor, Vikram essays the role of Adita Karikalan (10th century Chola emperor) in Mani Ratnam’s ambitious historical epic drama Poniyan Selvan I. It also stars Jayam Ravi, Karthi, Trisha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Sobhita.Dhulipala, Prabhu, R. Sarathkumar, Vikram Prabhu, Jayaram, Prakash Raj, Rahman and R. Parthiban, and all are set to release on September 30.
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