Tamil superstar Vijay Sethupathi begins his foray into the digital space. He is gearing up for the release of Farzi on Amazon Prime Video alongside Shahid Kapoor. Sethupathi, who turns 45 today, has several great films to his credit including Vikram Vedha, 96, Sundarapandian and Super Deluxe. He has also worked with Bollywood actors but he has a grudge against the Hindi audience as they don’t take him seriously until he points out the superstar of the Hindi film industry.
Vijay Sethupathi will soon appear opposite Shahid Kapoor in a web series, he will also share the screen with Shah Rukh Khan in Atlee’s Jawan. The actor also celebrated Merry Christmas with Katrina Kaif. Vijay Sethupathi, who will be playing a cop in Farzi, delicately quips those who ask him about his Hindi project and is only appreciative when he names the Bollywood bigwigs he has worked with.
The Vikram Vedha starrer, who has a huge fan base in the south, is upset with the Hindi audience. The actor shared his frustration saying that he has to mention the names of Shahrukh Khan, Shahid Kapoor and Katrina Kaif and then only they respect him. It depends on the actor he is working with in Bollywood.
Vijay Sethupathi is making his first web series on the OTT platform, but the actor refuses to call it a debut. The actor planning Farzi does not see the series as his debut. According to him, he made his debut as a hero in 2010, and within 12 years, he has done about 55 films. For Vijay, short or feature, every scene is a movie. He plans to put in similar efforts for each shot to impress the audience, so he doesn’t call Farzi a debut series.
Farzi is the new web series on Amazon Prime Video starring Shahid Kapoor and Vijay Sethupathi. It is created and directed by Raj & DK, the makers of ‘The Family Man’. Farzi will air online on February 10, 2023.
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