Vicky Kaushal is ‘maa da laadla’ and ‘Biwi ka hero’ at the same time. Zara Hatke Actor Zara Bachke, who is promoting his film, had a chat on Instagram with his fans and answered all the questions. Where one of the fans asked the boy who is that person in his life that he feels “If you’re there, I don’t want anything.” To which the actor happily responded by sharing his wife and Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif and mother Veena Kaushal hugging each other’s gear sign photo and it left Vicky’s fans raving about him and how.
Vicky Kaushal is one of the heartthrobs in the city of hearts and his fan following is huge, but the man is devoted and totally in love with his wife, Katrina Kaif and that’s why he is a gentleman. But not only that, the way he expressed what his mother also means to him is endearing and fans fell in love with him even more. Vicky Kaushal often talks about what he learned from his mother and how influential she was in her life. And now, after Katrina Kaif, he has two special women guiding his life.
Recently, at the trailer launch of his film Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, he was asked if he gets better than Katrina, will he divorce her? Because of the trailer, he was asked this to which he replied that his relationship with Katrina has eternity and more and once again proved his love for his wife. Talking about Katrina, Vicky always feels that he is not the perfect husband for her but tries to be “I am not perfect by any means. Not as a husband, son, friend or actor. I think that’s the ongoing search and the process of getting there is, I think, where I’ve always wanted to be. Being perfect is like a mirage, you know? You always feel like you’re getting there, but you’re never quite So I don’t think I’m a perfect husband. I don’t think I’m perfect by any means, but I try to be the best version of a husband I can be at any given moment”. Katrina and Vicky are the power couple of Bollywood right now and have a huge fan following. together.
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