Understanding the youth mental health crisis


Whether you’re a young person, a parent, a mental health professional, or just someone familiar with mental health trends, you’ve probably heard about the mental health crisis among young people in the US

While mental health care needs to be improved for children and young people – including long-term changes at an institutional level – there are actions people can take to improve environments and relationships, offer more support and develop a richer understanding of the issues , which affect adolescents and teenagers.

One of the first and most important steps involves checking with young people. Studies offer useful insights, but they only go so far and so deep. The more opportunities teens and teens have to share their experiences without judgment, the more the adults in their lives will be able to understand their perspectives, challenges, and needs. Ultimately, they will be better prepared to take the steps to implement change where it is most needed.

The youth mental health crisis

Mental health conditions affect young people’s lives on a profound level. A report by the COVID States Project shows that 50 percent of young people aged 18-24 experience moderate or severe depression, while another 23 percent have mild symptoms. Depression is one of many conditions on the rise.

Although COVID-19 has added its own unique complications to this problem, mental health challenges were already prevalent, even before the pandemic. According to the US Surgeon General’s 2021 Protecting Youth Mental Health recommendations, these challenges continue to be the leading cause of poor life outcomes and disability among America’s youth.

In December 2021, the Office of the Surgeon General published its advice above on youth mental health. These advisories are reserved for significant public health issues that require immediate awareness and action. Contributing factors, the advisory notes, are varied. Environmental factors and relationships influence the mental well-being of young people, from their homes and schools to families, social networks, communities and cultures.

We need to improve adolescent and teenage mental health care. Despite the limitations in how individuals can influence institutions as a whole, we have the ability to make a difference by listening to and learning from young people’s voices and experiences.

A closer look at mental health

How would you define mental health? The CDC describes it as our emotional, psychological and social well-being. Our mental health affects the way we think, feel and act, as well as our ability to navigate life, adapt, cope and create fulfilling relationships.

If you ask young people, their answers may be a little more nuanced. A 2021 study included findings from interviews with adolescents and young adults aged 17 to 25. This kind of research, which takes into account young people’s perspectives on their own lived experiences, is scarce but enlightening.

The researchers found that when young people talked about mental health, they focused less on their individual thoughts and feelings and more on relationships, as well as the overall complexity of mental health.

According to some interviewees, the expectations of social media are having an impact. Constant comparison is exhausting and discouraging, especially when peers, at first glance, seem “all together.” In their interviews, young people described many sources of mental health problems, including:

  • Increasing academic stress and pressure
  • Managing relationships with peers, parents, etc
  • Lack of a clear, ‘accepted’ way of expressing mental health problems
  • Limited or no access to adults who can be present, listen and offer support

The prevalence of mental health problems also varies among subpopulations. For example, youth in disadvantaged socioeconomic status are two to three times more likely to develop mental illness than those in higher socioeconomic status.

BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ youth also report unique struggles related to minority stressors such as discrimination and lack of support and acceptance in their communities and environments. While some contributing factors overlap, experiences vary widely, making it even more important for adults to hear different perspectives and listen to the personal experiences of the youth in their lives.

Barriers to help seeking

It is also important to understand why young people may find it difficult to find support or even ask for help in the first place. Although young adults struggle with mental health more than any other age group, many do not receive treatment.

The researchers found that 48 percent of young adults had mental health symptoms in 2021, compared to 20 percent in 2019. However, only a third received treatment, while another third reported wanting support but not receiving it .

Why is it so hard to get mental health care as a young person? The reasons vary, but research — including interviews with teenagers — points to some of the more common obstacles.

  • Self-confidence and resistance

Young people may want to ‘go it alone’. There is a desire for independence and sometimes a fear of relying on another person, committing to recovery, or being dependent on medication—despite the fact that the right resources can be incredibly helpful.

Teens struggling with mental health issues may experience low mental literacy, meaning they are not informed about symptoms, available resources and coping skills. Demographic differences also contribute to this.

Many young people do not want to be seen as ‘lazy’ or ‘a burden’ when seeking mental health support from peers or adults. They may also worry about not being taken seriously.

Youth without supportive relationships with adults, people they can imagine as empathetic if they share a concern, are less likely to seek support when they need it.

Those struggling with mental health should know that their thoughts and experiences will be kept confidential unless otherwise specified. Privacy creates a safe environment where open sharing is possible.

If young people feel there is a chance they will face consequences at home, school or work for needing mental health support, they may choose to remain silent instead.

Adults who interact with adolescents and teens—parents, teachers, and the like—can help remove some of these barriers. It is critical for adults to inform young people of their options, connect with them regularly, and create a safe and open environment for honest communication.

The power of perspective

We know young people struggle with mental health, but do we know enough about their everyday lives? Some research includes insights from interviews, which helps enrich our understanding. There are also efforts to involve young people in research and share their specific stories.

One example is a review by Carolyn Krause of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Canada. Krause studied whether problem-solving training could help alleviate symptoms of depression in young people. Collaborators include a group of 12 youth advisors. Together, they were able to help review the evidence and contextualize the findings. They learned that while problem-solving training can help some young people deal with personal challenges, it may not be enough to combat depressive symptoms, requiring more comprehensive support.

Reviews like Krause’s underscore the value of collaboration. The more clinicians, researchers and communities are open to working with young people, the better equipped they can become to gain deeper insights and offer support.

Another example of work that not only directly involves young people but also highlights their first-person accounts is the PBS documentary, Hiding in Plain Sight: Youth Mental Illness. The film features interviewees aged 11 to 27 who talk about their struggles and how they found help. Topics such as discrimination, harassment and stigma are also addressed.

Whether it is a research paper, a film or a treatment approach, the perspective of young people is essential. The more we can include them in conversations about mental health, the more we can learn—not just from the statistics, but from the stories. Sharing their experiences can also help normalize the need for mental health care among teens and adults.

More ways to offer support

Mental health issues are something most of us face wherever we are in life. This similarity opens up space for dialogue – the more we talk about these issues, especially with young people, the more we can break down stigma and reduce fear. Here are a few more ways adults can promote better mental health for teens and tweens:

This is something that has already been stated but cannot be emphasized enough. Teachers, mental health professionals and parents: actively listen to the young people in your life when they talk about mental health.

Make sure their feelings and experiences are validated. Remember that young people may fear that they will not be taken seriously.

Without being pushy, asking more questions (like, “How are you, really?”) shows that you’re genuinely interested and concerned. It also creates more space for sharing.

You don’t have to wait until someone “seems” to be struggling. Instead, check in and let them know you’re available to listen and support them.

At school, teachers and staff members should consider the best ways to inform students and parents about counseling and any other resources.

When appropriate, share your own experiences. Let them know that “failure” is okay and that “perfection” does not exist.

Put yourself in their place. This will help them feel understood and develop their own capacity for empathy.

By putting these behaviors into practice, we can work together to create a brighter future for teens and teens struggling with mental health.

To find a therapist near you, visit Psychology Today’s Therapy Directory.


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