Troubleshoot your job search with these 3 checkpoints


Few people look forward to the job search. A 2021 survey of 715 American adults by the Pew Research Center found that half of Americans who are unemployed, unemployed, or laid off are pessimistic about future jobs. A third said they felt more stressed than usual and 56% said they had more emotional or mental problems while unemployed.

The job search has only added to the stress, with record inflation driving more and more Americans to seek higher-paying jobs, plus recent news of hiring freezes and layoffs affecting multiple sectors.

As a career coach who has worked with clients who have gone on to work at companies like Amazon, Blue Origin, and IBM, I’ve seen these trends play out in real time over the past few months.

If there’s one thing I hope to leave you with, it’s this: an aimless job search where you’re just playing the numbers game sets you up for rejection and self-sabotage. My job search checkpoint methodology has helped countless of my clients get hired at top companies without applying to hundreds of jobs. Here’s how it works.

What is the Job Search Checkpoint methodology?

We all know Albert Einstein quoted how insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” But why do so many of us fall into this trap when looking for work?

We understand that 100+ applications sent through Indeed are getting us nowhere, but we still wake up every day and keep applying. We accept those first round interviews only to not get a second round response time and time again. But how often do we actually take the time to stop and reflect on our progress?

That’s why I like to equip my clients with this graphic to illustrate the process:

Remember, if something isn’t working, then you should resist the temptation to bury your head in the sand and move forward with the status quo. Instead, take a moment to pause and pivot if your strategy fails.

Checkpoints 1 to 3 and the important steps you need to take

There are three main checkpoints to be aware of when evaluating the success of your job search.

Checkpoint 1: I’m applying everywhere, but I’m not getting interviews.

If you’re not getting interviews, the first question you should ask yourself is whether you’re applying for the right roles. In my personal recruiting experience, many applicants don’t read job descriptions and meet less than 60% of the listed requirements for a position.

Applying for many roles doesn’t leave you time to customize your resume and cover letter, which are important steps to help you stand out. Think of your cover letter as a movie trailer, and your resume is the movie. A cover letter is meant to summarize your experience and grab people’s attention. If someone only reads your cover letter and never looks at your resume, will they think you’re right for the role?

When it comes to your resume, evaluate each point about your experience and make sure it doesn’t just say what you’ve done, but also addresses how do it, why you did it and What happened. If you’ve done market research, don’t just say “I created research.” Quantify it. Was it a survey of 50 or 5,000 people? The context and scale of what you’ve done matters.

Checkpoint 2: I book screening interviews but fail to make it to the next round.

If you’re going to job interviews but not getting offers, consider the good news first: Something about your resume and LinkedIn profile makes a strong enough first impression to win you interviews. However, while your resume gets you in the door, your interview is what gets you hired.

As you consider your interview presentation, consider both what you’re talking about (the content) and how you’re talking about it (your presentation). As for content, ask yourself if what you’re talking about in interviews matches your resume.

It can be helpful to have work examples or a case presentation to highlight during your interviews. Writing an effective case study it’s all about harnessing the power of storytelling to communicate the full context of what you’ve been working on. Your case study should serve as proof of your skills and experience. Take it as evidence in a legal case and in this situation the people in the interviews are the jury.

Finally, it is important to check how you speak, your confidence and body language during interviews. All of these things contribute to the overall impression people get of you. One of the best things you can do is record yourself doing a mock interview. To do this, try using Google An interview warm-up tool or a self-recording tool such as Weaving loom. Although it may seem awkward, simply listening to the answers to questions can help you quickly identify things to improve. For example, you may realize that you speak very quietly, say a or lIke a lot, or give long answers.

Checkpoint 3: I go through several rounds of interviews, but I don’t get job offers.

It’s natural to be disappointed when you go through multiple interviews and don’t get an offer. However, it’s still a cause for celebration: You’re one of a small percentage of applicants who make it this far. Of course, it’s a gut punch when you get that email informing you that a company has decided to work with other candidates.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that this is not always a reflection of your skills and experience. Often this is simply a situation where other candidates have ticked more of the boxes than you. Take time to think about the types of jobs you’re applying for. Do you have experience in another industry or niche that you may need to expand your job search to?

Another big mistake candidates make at interviews is not coming prepared with questions about the position or the company. Not asking questions can give hiring managers the impression that you’re not very interested in the role. Interviews are your chance to interview them as much as they interview you, so take 15 minutes to prepare questions you can ask about the team, product and/or culture.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on why you didn’t get the role. Companies can’t always give you a specific reason due to legal reasons. However, you may receive valuable information or realize that there are factors beyond your control. The worst that can happen is that they don’t provide feedback. So why don’t you ask?

Although the job search can be painful at times, we have the power to pivot and redirect our search. Taking the time to think about what you might be doing wrong will unlock the door to your personal and professional growth.


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