Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed a baby girl in November. They lovingly named her Raha at the suggestion of her grandmother, Neither does Kapoor. The actress took to her social media and shared a very beautiful picture of herself enjoying her Sunday morning. The Brahmastra beauty is here to make your Sunday morning better with a sun-kissed photo. And with that, she shared what her mood was like on a fine Sunday morning. Alia Bhatt seems to be immersed in the pre-holiday spirit of Christmas.
Alia Bhatt shares a beautiful selfie
Popular film actress Alia Bhatt is busy with her motherly duties now that she has embraced motherhood with Raha Kapoor. Since becoming a mother, Alia has been sharing snapshots of what her days look like. Her photos and video posts often go viral on Entertainment News.
The actress often shares sunny selfies from the cozy corners of her home. And that’s what she did even now. The actress asked fans if they knew what time it was and then surprised them with a selfie from her bed. “Time to disturb you with another one of my sunny selfies,” Alia Bhatt wrote, wishing everyone a ‘Happy Sunday’. Although Raha is not in the pictures or the video, we bet she is enjoying her Sunday with her little one.
Check out Alia Bhatt’s photo and videos below:
Ahead of Alia Bhatt welcoming a baby girl with Ranbir Kapoor, the actress sat down for a chat with a French publication called Marie Claire Magazine. The actress opened up about her inhibitions about raising her baby in the limelight. The “Darlings” star shared that she had always discussed with her family and friends whether her and Ranbir’s child would not want to grow up in the limelight. Alia argues that she herself chose life, but her child may not want it. Alia Bhatt is also not thinking about her little one’s future from an acting point of view. She said she kept the list blank.
On the work front, Alia Bhatt has Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. She also has a Hollywood project called Heart of Stone.
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