Expect the unexpected from Kamaal R Khan. Every single day, he comes up with something unusual to grab the attention of Bollywood lovers. He has been spreading a lot of negativity around Adipurush and Doctor G of late. KRK was also recently seen mocking Karan Johar for quitting Twitter. Now, he’s claiming that Bollywood films are witnessing failure because of Sushant Singh Rajput. Scroll below for all the details.
There had been a lot of speculations around the death of Sushant. The actor passed away on 14th June allegedly by hanging himself at his Bandra apartment. While CBI is yet to pronounce its verdict in the case, many Bollywood names like Mahesh Bhatt, Salman Khan along with Rhea Chakraborty amongst others were accused of planning his homicide.
KRK is going through a tough time lately because of his controversial tweets. He was recently arrested over his comments on the late Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor. Ever since the self-proclaimed critic is claiming that Bollywood members are using political connections to slap him with legal cases. He even considered quitting reviews at one point.
In his latest tweet, Kamaal R Khan used Sushant Singh Rajput to put across his message to Bollywood. KRK wrote, “I didn’t believe before. But now I m also believing that Bollywood is suffering coz of curse of #SushantSinghRajput. Entire Bollywood should do a joint HAVAN and ask for forgiveness from GOD. They should promise to GOD that they won’t harass outsiders like Sushant n me in future.”
His comments and comparison with Sushant Singh Rajput did not go well with fans of the late actor. Many backlashed him and even made jokes on his commercial failure Deshdrohi.
I didn’t believe before. But now I m also believing that Bollywood is suffering coz of curse of #SushantSinghRajput. Entire Bollywood should do a joint HAVAN and ask for forgiveness from GOD. They should promise to GOD that they won’t harass outsiders like Sushant n me in future.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 12, 2022
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