2022 was a tough year for Bollywood as many big players failed to make a mark at the box office. All eyes were on Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Duttand Vaani Kapoor lead shamsher. The trailer and songs of the movie got a good response so it was expected that maybe the movie will do well at the box office. But, unfortunately, that didn’t happen. Shamshera started on a low note and collected Rs. 10.25 crore at the box office on day one.
If a film receives positive reviews and word of mouth is good, it shows a spike on its second day (Saturday). But Shamshera received negative reviews and social media trolled the film. So there is literally no spike in collections on day two. The film collected Rs. 10.50 crore, taking the two-day total to Rs. 20.75 crores.
The amount of Rs. 20.75 crores is not bad in the post-pandemic era, but Shamhsera is a big film made on a huge budget, so for a film made on such a scale, the collections are low. So far, the film is heading for a sub-par weekend; can raise about Rs. 32 crores which is quite disappointing. Looks like Shamshera’s lifetime collection will be similar to YRF’s last release Samrat Prithviraj (Rs 68.05 crore).
With Shamshera, Ranbir Kapoor entered a completely different film genre. He is known for his roles in romantic and drama films. Shamshera is an action thriller and although the actor’s performance has been appreciated, the film’s script and narration are said to be the weak points.
After Shamshera, Ranbir will be seen in Brahmastra, which is slated to release on September 9, 2022. It is also a film made on a huge budget, so it will be interesting to see what kind of response the Ayan Mukerji directorial gets at the box office.
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