The shaadi season in Bollywood has just started with Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt all set to walk down the aisle in the coming week. The two will have an intimate wedding ceremony which will be attended by their close friends and family members. If reports are to be believed then, the power couple of Bollywood has planned a grand reception for their industry friends. There are various speculations on the guest list as to who will attend Ranbir and Alia’s wedding. The list includes Karan Johar, Shah Rukh Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Rani Mukerji, Katrina Kaif, Sidharth Malhotra, Arjun Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapur, Varun Dhawan, and several others who will mark their presence at the ceremony.
A close source was quoted by Pinkvilla saying that Ranbir and Alia have chosen the Taj Mahal Palace in Mumbai as the venue for their wedding reception. Their luxurious reception will most likely happen on April 17. Reportedly, the lovebirds recently visited the venue to book it for their wedding reception last night. Post the wedding jazz, Alia and Ranbir will resume shooting for their upcoming projects.
Moreover, the chocolate boy of Bollywood Ranbir and Alia will also host a fun Bachelorette party for their close friends on April 16. Ranbir and Alia’s wedding will be a 4-day long affair. Alia’s mehendi will start on April 13 and will be followed by April 14.
On the work front, Ranbir is wrapping up his professional commitments before his D-day.
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