Akshay Kumar starrer Raksha Bandhan trailer and songs received an average response. But since it is an Aanand L Rai film, everyone expected the film to be good. However, the film received mixed reviews from critics and audiences and even at the box office, the film failed to make a mark. Raksha Bandhan was released on Raksha Bandhan (festival) and had an average start at the box office. He collected Rs. 8.20 crores on Day 1.
Also, the film showed a drop on Friday and Saturday and collected Rs. 6.40 and Rs.6.51 crores respectively. According to early estimates on Sunday, the film showed minimal growth and collected around Rs. 7.50 crore, taking the four-day extended first weekend total to Rs. 28.61 crores. Well, the collection is pretty low.
Akshay Kumar starrer Bachchan Paandey had collected Rs. 39.54 crores in four days and Samrat Prithviraj’s four day collection was Rs. 44.40 crores. So Raksha Bandhan is well behind the actor’s two previous releases.
Bachchhan Paandey and Samrat Prithviraj were flops and now even Raksha Bandhan got a dismal response. This is the third consecutive failure for Akshay Kumar. However, his fans are watching Ram Setu and hoping that it will do well at the box office as it is releasing on a big festival like Diwali.
While talking about people who think Raksha Bandhan is a regressive film, Anand L Rai told News18, “You can’t ignore that. I know we should be very progressive, we are in many ways. But there are many things to be taken care of and you cannot turn a blind eye. If you don’t talk about it, it won’t give you a solution. As a creative person, I can’t write articles, I can’t make documentaries. My only way to express myself is through movies. So if you think there’s something regressive about it, it means there’s time to fix our society.
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