Brad Pitt eats a lot in Ocean’s Eleven. There he is, munching away in scene after scene, shovelling calories and carbs into his beautiful movie star gob. But the key scene for Pitt in Ocean’s Eleven is not just a scene in which he doesn’t eat anything, but he doesn’t even speak. It’s the moment where he, as details man/thief extraordinaire Rusty Ryan, and George Clooney, as the big picture guy, Danny Ocean, are sitting at a bar, having assembled their heistastic team. Well, Clooney is sitting. Pitt is slumping, turned away from his friend/boss, the epitome of ennui. “That should do it, don’t you think?” says Clooney. He’s met with silence. “You think we need one more?” he asks Rusty. Rusty doesn’t respond. Just continues to stare. “You think we need one more.” More silence. Speaking volumes. “Alright,” concedes Danny, defeated by Rusty’s masterclass in pass-agg persuasion. “We’ll get one more.” It takes serious chops to not only match but exceed Clooney in the cool stakes. Here, just two years after Tyler Durden, Pitt manages it effortlessly. Maybe he’s the only actor on the planet at that point who could have. Their casual chemistry lit up Soderbergh’s Ocean’s trilogy, the last of which — incredibly — was fifteen years ago. You think we need one more?
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