Well, Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu turns out to be his best film in the North Belt. The film has already earned over Rs 150 crore at the box office. Varisu has earned more than six crore rupees in Hindi belt. Collections dropped a bit on Monday, but that is inevitable. On the other hand, Kuttey which had a star cast of Arjun Kapoor, Tabu and Radhika Madan failed to even touch the Rs three crore mark. This is a huge disappointment for Bollywood at the beginning of the year. The film is directed by Aasman Bharadwaj, son of famous director Vishal Bharadwaj.
Thalapathy Vijay’s Varisu is a predictable yet entertaining family entertainer. A few songs are also good. There is Rashmika Mandana who is a popular pan-Indian heroine. In the midst of all this, Kamaal R Khan brutally trolled Arjun Kapoor. He said that many young Bollywood actors have no idea what the audience wants in a theatre. Check out his tweets…
Arjun Kapoor said #NDTV this director made a brilliant movie #Cut but the audience didn’t get it. This is proof that these actors are shameless. They will never do Sudhro! Society should boycott such idiots they consider as public idiot.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) January 15, 2023
Arjun Kapoor said #NDTV:- We also did Sholay and Mughal-e-Azam. lol! Bhai Tu Itna Intelligent Hai, Ki Tu Unn Films Ka Ek Scene Bhi Nahi Bana Sakta, Film Ki Toh Baat Hi Jaane Deejiye. Thanks to flop king Bhushan Kumar for getting movies when you don’t deserve it.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) January 15, 2023
These all stupid actors are 10th and 12th failure. So when they don’t have the backup of education, then they don’t know how to talk about the society. They have no knowledge of anything. They just sit on TRP hungry TV channels and talk like idiots.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) January 15, 2023
Arjun Kapoor is such a big star that even Malaika Arora doesn’t watch his film.?
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) January 15, 2023
The film Kuttey was a thriller with elements of black comedy. It received mixed reviews. Arjun Kapoor still has some good movies in his hands. Ek Villain Returns made Rs 69 crore which was considered decent.
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